0.2.29 (May 20, 2011)
- Add 'tar' source support. Useful for binary releases to repackage as rpms
and debs. Example:
fpm -s tar -t rpm -n firefox -v 4.0.1 \
--prefix /opt/firefox/4.0.1 firefox-4.0.1.tar.bz2
0.2.28 (May 18, 2011)
- Use --replaces as "Obsoletes" in rpms.
0.2.27 (May 18, 2011)
- If present, DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME environment variables will be used as
the default maintainer. Previously the default was simply <$user@$hostname>
- Add '--replaces' flag for specifying packages replaced by the one you are
building. This only functions in .deb packages now until I find a suitable
synonym in RPM.
- Add --python-bin and --python-easyinstall flags. This lets you choose specific
python and easy_install tools to use when building. Default is simply
'python' and 'easy_install' respectively.
- Add support for ~/.fpmrc - The format of this file is the same as the flags.
One flag per line. https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/38
0.2.26 and earlier
No changelist tracked. My bad, yo.