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[cross package maker] by
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<a href="" title="Effing Package Management ;)">fpm</a> greatly simplifies distribution package generation.<br>
<a href=""><em title="Cross Package Maker">xpm</em></a> is a feature-oriented branch of fpm.
<img src=logo align=right width=130 height=154 alt=xpm style="margin:25pt">
It creates or converts between
* Debian <kbd>`deb`</kbd>
* RedHat <kbd>`rpm`</kbd>
* Node <kbd>`npm`</kbd>
* OSX <kbd>`pkg`</kbd>
* Ruby <kbd>`gem`</kbd>
* Solaris packages, plain <kbd>`zip`</kbd> or <kbd>`tar`</kbd> archives, and a few more..
See the [→ Howto](wiki/Howto) on common `fpm` usage examples.
### xpm target/source plugins
This variant (precautiosly renamed for parallel installation) adds a few more source/target modules:
* <kbd>[*-t* **exe**](wiki/exe)</kbd> assembles Windows SFX "installers"
* <kbd>[*-s* **src**](wiki/src)</kbd> consumes per-file relative `pack:` specifiers from meta comment fields for source-based apps
* <kbd>[*-t* **phar**](wiki/phar)</kbd> bundles PHP scripts into `.phar`/zip/tars with meta fields
* <kbd>[*-t* **ipk**](wiki/ipk)</kbd> creates a static Listaller (.IPK) or Limba archive (which is a cross-distro packaging format)
* <kbd>[*-s* **composer**](wiki/source_composer)</kbd> fetches PHP bundles per composer, allows to pack them as phars or system packages (or matroska phar in deb/rpm)
A few more are currently pondered..
### new features
This fpm branch already provides a few extensions:
* [**Multi-target**](wiki/multi-target) creation in one swoop.
xpm -t deb,rpm,exe
Avoids having to call fpm multiple times for creating distinct system packages. Usually package-specific flags `--deb-…` and `--rpm-…` can be mixed in one invocation - when they're non-overlapping.
* Simple post-processing with [**update filters**](wiki/update+filters):
xpm -u man,appdata
Update filters are run between input file collection and target package building. They're intended for quick tasks or semi-build functionality. Existing filters:
* <kbd>[man](wiki/update+filters#man)</kbd> - compresses man pages
* <kbd>[appdata](wiki/update+filters#appdata)</kbd> - creates pkg.appdata.xml for distro managers
* <kbd>[desktop](wiki/update+filters#desktop)</kbd> - add stub fpm:pkg.desktop file
* <kbd>[composer](wiki/update+filters#update_composer)</kbd> - update/generate `composer.json` for <kbd>phar</kbd> target
* <kbd>[fixperms](wiki/update+filters#fixperms)</kbd> - limit file permissions (umask 755 / 644)
* <kbd>[strip](wiki/update+filters#strip)</kbd> - strip debugging symbols from binaries
* <kbd>[deps](wiki/update+filters#deps)</kbd> - resolve cross-distro library names per whohas/distromatch
* <kbd>[unprefix](wiki/update+filters#unprefix)</kbd> - workaround for converting system packages back to local paths
* <kbd>[lcase](wiki/update+filters#lcase)</kbd> - lowercase filenames prior packaging
* <kbd>[packfile](wiki/update+filters#packfile)</kbd> - runs any `Packfile` within the /tmp/staging dir on assembled files
* Debian [package signing](wiki/package+signing) with `--deb-sign KEYNAME` integrated.
* Additional <kbd>--attr</kbd> option to add custom control header fields (practically an alias for --deb-field, but also works for phar packages, based on `attrs{}`, so src plugin implicitly populates extra fields).
### possible extensions
It's planned or at least considered to add:
* <kbd>[*-t* **inst**](wiki/inst)</kbd> → a GUI/Python-based BSD/Linux cross-distro installer (reusing zip, deb, alien, pkcon, xdg-tools)
* <kbd>[*-t* **msi**](wiki/msi)</kbd> - for proper Windows packages
* depending on further research, one of the AppImage-formats (utilizing their actual tools) might make sense
* Add a `--attr` or `--meta` flag to inject custom package headers and meta information. (For instance `Vcs-Git:` or `Screenshot:` into Debian packages.)
See [Research](wiki/Research) on existing and inactive cross-distro packagers, schemes and initiatives.
### build and installation
Meanwhile xpm installs as `xpm`, to keep any mainline `fpm` accessible. It's installed per rubygems easily. Either download a [prebuilt gem from ``]( or assemble it yourself:
1. Download the [xpm.tgz](tarball/xpm.tgz?uuid=trunk) tarball, extract somewhere
2. `gem build ./xpm.gemspec`
3. `gem install ./xpm-`
Take note that this fetches a few other dependencies, even compiles `ffi`; so may take a few more seconds. But basically that's it.
### fossil → git
I just don't fancy git. That is all. But this fossil repo will be synced back to []( once in a while.
Or you can just sync it directly from here. Download or install the single [fossil binary](, then:
1. `fossil clone xpm.fsl`
2. `fossil open xpm.fsl`
3. `fossil ui`
From there you could also just `fossil export --git` and pipe that into `git fast-import`.
Alternatively just use the new direct remote export:
1. `wget //`
It should be noted that Git is occasionally flaky with its own export format though.
### links
* mainline fpm version [](
* apt/yum repo builder [](
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