Cross package maker. DEB/RPM generation or conversion. Derived from jordansissel/fpm.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cross package maker

Artifact [af193b664f]

Artifact af193b664f777aedb6a81576bcffd475224a8304:

  • File templates/deb.erb — part of check-in [e7daa2b743] at 2011-01-06 02:33:50 on branch trunk — use accessors in the templates so the source can override them (user: size: 451) [more...]

Package: <%= name %>
Version: <%= version %>-<%= iteration %>
Architecture: <%= architecture %>
Maintainer: <%= maintainer or "<unknown>" %>
<% if dependencies.size > 0 %>
Depends: <%= dependencies.join(", ") %>
<% end %>
Standards-Version: 3.9.1
Section: <%= category or "unknown" %> 
Priority: extra
Homepage: <%= url or "" %>
Description: <%= summary or "no summary given" %>
  <%= summary or "no description given"%>