D 2015-01-21T13:13:49.859 L phar N text/x-markdown P 0970572f586fb83e115954acf71f38bd7fde2510 U mario W 5968 ### -t `phar` packaging Phars are PHPs file bundles. They are available in a few format and compression flavours (binary, zip, tar). And this target plugin basically works like the `zip` module. * Packs the staging dir with relative directory structures. * Somewhat consolidates the `--phar-format` selection. * Allows for stub inclusion. * And provides a `--phar-sign` option. * Populates the Phar meta data bag. * Builds a class map. Interacts with the -s src, -s composer source plugins, and -u lcase, -u composer update filters. ### Recognized file extensions or `--phar-format` specifiers
Extension / Specifier Archive Format Compression Per File Envelope Compression Use Cases
phar Phar - -
phar.gz Phar gzip - general
phar.bz2 Phar bzip2 -
phaz Phar - gzip
phaz.bz2 Phar gzip bzip2 (avoid!)
zip Zip - -
zip.gz Zip gzip - distribution
zip.bz2 Zip bzip2 -
tar Pax - -
tgz Pax - gzip
tar.bz2 Pax - bzip2 data bundles
The `tar` archives are POSIX tars, therefore mentioned as `Pax` here. Format/file extension combos can be specified with dots, without, or arbitrary delimiters, and in any order. So these are all equivalent: * `--phar-format .tar.gz` * `--phar-format tar+gz` * `--phar-format tar/gz` * `--phar-format targz` Per default uncompressed Phars are generated. ## Meta data Phars have a built-in [meta data](http://php.net/phar.getmetadata) section, internally stored as PHP `serialize()` array. * Packaging options are used as defaults. The basic fields are: * `id` (package basename) * `title` * `description` * `category` * `version` * `epoch` (optional) * `iteration` (optional) * `architecture` (usually "all") * `author` * `url` * `license`

* An identifier map is automatically included. It contains not just class but also function and const declarations. Each is a simple identifer→filename association, with keys being lowercased (for PHP compliance). * The [-s src](wiki/src) module can update or add extra fields. It reads out the comment meta block from the primary script. For instance: * `main` (lists the primary PHP script within the phar) * `api` * `type` * `comment` (includes the remainder of the first comment block, basic documentation / long description text) * `state` * `doc` * `pack` (unparsed file list / glob specifier) * `config` (unparsed section) Further fields can be present. Each `api:` may define custom attributes. Or can just be used for documentative purposes. Field names are always lowercased in the Phar meta array (they're case-insensitive in source comment headers). * When using the [-s composer](wiki/source_composer) source plugin, the `composer.json` bundle information will be stashed in a `composer` subarray. * `composer`{} * `keywords`[] * `license`[] * `authors`{} * `support`{} * `require`{} This is somewhat redundant, since `phar://.../composer.json` is available still. Because full phar support is frowned on in the packagist/composer ecosystem, and due to their constrained set of allowed fields, `composer:` is only a substructure in the meta array. (Thus indirectly returning the `extra:` stashing favour.) * Custom phar meta array fields can likewise be added using the fpm --attr flag. (Just strings though, not array structures currently.) * The [-u composer](wiki/update+filters#composer) update filter works the other way round. It *generates* a stub `composer.json` when there wasn't one in the input dir. It maps accumulated fpm package infos to populate or update fields in `composer.json`. Which for example is useful for refining the `--version` field. ### Update filters * With [-u lcase=php](wiki/update+filters#lcase) all included filenames can be converted to lowercase beforehand. ### Prior notes * fpm issue: [#812](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/812) * orig gist: [fpm…package…**phar.rb**](https://gist.github.com/prof-milki/1c1930b2e8cba5753902) * The implementation is basically just 70% php code. The Ruby section mostly just copies data over. It wouldn't be very practical to reimplement the phar binary format, or the zip/tar specifica. Generating Phars per `fpm` is a convenienence over using the command-line `phar` tool. Z c5234ae4656bd1b59d10041a1ab92f90