Cross package maker. DEB/RPM generation or conversion. Derived from jordansissel/fpm.

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3 events for the month beginning 2011-08-01 by user

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Remove dashes from the version in rpm targets RPMs do not allow dashes in the main part of the version string. We need to test @version because some sources (I am looking at you gem) set version to a Fixnum, and others to a String. check-in: be8eccb76b user: tags: trunk
Add --python-package-prefix option Allows the prefix of packages to change to a user specified value. Useful if you do not want to conflict with other python packages, or want to install to a special ruby instance check-in: 063ec0e05a user: tags: trunk
Add "safesystem" function Basically, its a replacement for system. If the command fails, then it raises an exception and prints out the entire command that was attempted. This will prevent issues where fpm finished (with return code 0) and produces an artifact with real size (>0 bytes) but the artifact is worthless as it contains nothing. Fixes #86 check-in: 3e59e52c89 user: tags: trunk
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