Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cookiedough

Artifact [0720e2bb1c]

Artifact 0720e2bb1c38310cf89de2738f1f4a1e22d84a12e66d1c77f2a5a5cf08acf93b:

Wiki page [search] by mario 2021-03-23 09:02:27.
D 2021-03-23T09:02:27.362
L search
N text/x-markdown
P abd97216c13261a898eb24e94cf18d246309bc36a92fea325eb5376be7fe886f
U mario
W 687
Click the search field top left. Enter something to search for,
and press ENTER. The category list will collapse and show filtered

> The old behaviour (search/filtering starts on any keypress) can be
> enabled in the settings still.

You might want to search for common keywords in the description, or
even filenames.

  * Allows to search multiple items at once: `pyproject.toml setup.cfg`
  * You can also enter regexen here, `py\w+\.py` for example.
  * The search will scan the readme, file list, _keywords,
    template variables, and template names.

To reset the search filter you currently have to clear all input
in the field and hit ENTER as well.

Z af2e6384432c82dba35110150028afb3