Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

โŒˆโŒ‹ โŽ‡ branch:  cookiedough

Artifact [f793fe2fc5]

Artifact f793fe2fc5e9cf1b17a326c5bb416511926cc9c7653a4ae1bc8fd8d407bf25ba:

  • Executable file dev/ — part of check-in [ae7f877aba] at 2021-04-06 09:04:06 on branch trunk — Updated API query tools, use dict for collection now, don't skip over publication in december anymore, less sleep(), less json overwriting. Still takes 3 hours. (user: mario size: 2246)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# description: search all cookiecutter repos on GH
# Search all repos. But use sliding date window, to get all.
# So tedious. Yay for proprietary baskets!
# to recreate db:
#   ยท gh_find
#   ยท gh_tree
#   ยท gh_conv

import os, re, requests, json, time, dotenv
from random import randint

# get list of repos for search term and sliding `created` window, optionally page_no
def fetch(page=0, created="2021-03", per_page=50):
    url = ""
    params = dict(
        q = f"cookiecutter created:{created}",
        sort = "updated",
        order = "desc",
        per_page = per_page,
        page = page
    headers = {
        "User-Agent": "cookiedough/0.3.0 (Python; amd64; requests)",
        "Accept": "application/vnd.github.preview",
        "Authorization": "token " + os.getenv("GITHUB_API_TOKEN")
    print("SEARCH_Q=%r" % params)
    r = requests.get(url, params, headers=headers)
    return r.json()

def write(results):
    with open("github.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(results, indent=4))

def read():
        with open("github.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            return json.loads(
        return {}

# iterate per year+month, and optionally pages if more than 50 results
def year_month_page(ys, ms, pg, per_page=100):
    for year in ys:
        for month in ms:
            for page in pg:
                d = fetch(created=f"{year:04}-{month:02}", page=page, per_page=per_page)
                if "message" in d or not "items" in d:
                    print("**NO_RESULTS**=%r" % d)
                print("len_items=%s" % len(d["items"]))
                yield d
                if len(d["items"]) < per_page:

# add more repo items
results = read()
for d in year_month_page(range(2012, 2022), range(1,13), range(0,19)):
    if len(d["items"]):
        for repo in d["items"]:
            results[repo["full_name"]] = repo
        if not randint(0, 20):
    print("len_results=%s" % len(results))
