Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

βŒˆβŒ‹ βŽ‡ branch:  cookiedough

Update of "usage"

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Artifact ID: 1a2d161e2a62b6ab6b0218e45ba36ee01d9990feba733e5aea15b7f9b1ec009e
Page Name:usage
Date: 2021-03-23 08:57:18
Original User: mario
Parent: 08c6cb3ac3ee4da3685f5005e54ea965c9365f4b216dfab590093391cf4d0370 (diff)
Next 24b60c0b0113944f82da0d267fad95ccc0b68ce4388eb942fc304d6c4cb7e71f

Start cookiedough from the terminal, for example in your ~/projects directory:

$  cookiedough

You can browse the template list in the left pane. They're grouped by languages or application names. It's also possible to filter the list with the search box.

The right hand white section is the content area, where details of the cookiecutter template are shown. Among them is the file list / directory structure, and a preview of the readme.

Though you might often want to just hit the link to view the online version of the repository. Alternatively use →Template→Copy repo URL to utilize the URL with commandline cookiecutter.

Hitting the Roll out button will start the creation process. (A variables input window will appear beforehand.)