⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [38552dc592]

Artifact 38552dc5923a6a3ee01c2f9a1519b55add5b3172:

  • File cron.daily/social_links.php — part of check-in [5fd866ffb3] at 2014-07-10 01:49:10 on branch trunk — Reuse API I-O to fetch social bookmarking counts. (user: mario size: 1412)

 * api: freshcode
 * title: Social links count
 * description: Queries api.i-o/links for project homepages
 * version: 0.1
 * Retrieve social media sharing site links for project homepages.
 * Stores them in `release`.`social_links`
 * Only updates latest DB entry, so a versioned history of link counts
 * will be retained. (Not that it's needed, ...)

// deps

// use "remotely" for implicit caching
define("IO_LINKS", "http://api.include-once.org/links/social.ajax.php");

// traverse projects
foreach (db("SELECT *, MAX(t_changed) FROM release_versions GROUP BY name ORDER BY t_published DESC") as $project) {

    // homepage
    $url = $project["homepage"];
    // request counts
    $counts = curl()
        ->url(IO_LINKS . "?url=$url")
        ->UserAgent("cron.daily/social_links (0.1; http://freshcode.club/)")
    // summarize
    $counts = json_decode($counts, TRUE);
    $counts = array_sum($counts);
    print "$url = $counts\n";
    // store
    $project["social_links"] = $counts;
    db("UPDATE release SET social_links=? WHERE :&",
            "name" => $project["name"],
            "t_changed" => $project["t_changed"],
            "t_published" => $project["t_published"],
