* type: page
* title: Flagging
* description: Allows users to flag project listings for moderator attention.
* A submission here will both increase the `release`.`flag` counter,
* as well as leave a documentation entry in the `flags` table.
?> <section id=main class=container-width> <?php
$name = $_REQUEST->proj_name["name"];
// submit
if ($_REQUEST->has("reason", "note", "name")) {
// exists
if (db("SELECT note FROM flags WHERE name=? and submitter_openid=?", $name, $_SESSION["openid"])->fetch()) {
print "<h2>Flag exists</h2> <p>You have previously flagged this entry. Please give us some time to deal with it.</p>";
// new flag
else {
$reason = $_REQUEST->nocontrol->ascii->text["reason"];
$note = $_REQUEST->nocontrol->ascii->text["note"];
// Into `flags` table
db("INSERT INTO flags
(reason, note, name, submitter_openid, submitter_ip)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",
$reason, $note, $name, $_SESSION["openid"], $_SERVER->ip["REMOTE_ADDR"]
// Increase `release`.`flag` column (just the last entry)
db("UPDATE release SET flag=flag+1
WHERE name=? ORDER BY t_published DESC, t_changed DESC LIMIT 1",
print "<h2>Thank you</h2> <p>We'll investigate. Thanks for your time and attention!</p>";
// notifaction form
else {
print <<< HTML
<h2>Flag "$name" for moderator attention</h2>
If you feel there's a project listing here that has issues,
just tell us.
<form action="" method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-encoding="UTF-8">
<input type=hidden name=name value="$name">
<input type=radio name=reason value=non-english> Listing is not in English.
<input type=radio name=reason value=spam> It's just spam.
<input type=radio name=reason value=low-quality> Low quality / formatting issues.
<input type=radio name=reason value=urls> URLs are no longer working.
<input checked type=radio name=reason value=other> Other (use the note box below in either case).
<textarea name=note cols=50 rows=5 placeholder="Moderators, I summon thee, because ..."></textarea>
<input type=submit value=Submit>
<p>This is also a reasonable contact mechanism if you want to report any system / site bug.
For reclaiming a disjunct OpenID logon alternatively write a mail (info#freshcode:club).</p>