⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [71f081074e]

Artifact 71f081074e5b198132eae881727d4702869281b2:

  • File page_githubreleases.php — part of check-in [f7d54b199b] at 2021-04-05 06:19:20 on branch trunk — fix missing /section (user: mario size: 2089)

 * api: freshcode
 * title: github-releases
 * description: dump releases feed
 * version: 0.3
 * Shows the summarized GitHub releases from the stored template dump
 * (updated by cron.daily/news_github.php from GHA and cache DB.)


    .github-releases {
       width: 100%;
    #githubreleases {
       table-layout: fixed;
       width: 100%;
    .github.release td {
       padding: 4pt 1pt;
       font-size: 95%;
       overflow: hidden;
       text-overflow: ellipsis;
       box-shadow: none;
    .github.release .author-avatar img {
       border-radius: 4pt;
    .github.release .repo-name {
    .github.release .repo-name small {
       display: block;
       font-size: 85%;
       color: #555;
    .github.release .repo-name strong {
       font-weight: 400;
       display: block;
    .github.release .repo-description {
       font-size: 90%;
    .github.release .repo-homepage {
       font-size: 70%;
       display: block;
       color: #b0b0f0;
    .github.release .release-tag {
       font-weight: 700;
    .github.release .release-body {
       font: 70%/80% normal;
       max-height: 25pt;
       color: #999;
    .github-releases .repo-language {
       font-size: 60%;
       padding: 0.5pt 1pt;
       border: dotted 1px #eef;
       background: #f1f3ff;
       color: #aae;

  <section id=main style="width:75%" class=container-width>
  <h2>GitHub Releases</h2>
  <article class=github-releases>

     <table id=githubreleases>
        <col width="5%">
        <col width="25%">
        <col width="35%">
        <col width="35%">
<?php include("template/github-releases.htm"); ?>


  <p style="break: both; clear: all; background: #f3f5f7; padding: 20pt;;">
    Project information courtesy of
    <a href="http://githubarchive.org/">http://githubarchive.org/</a>
    and the GitHub API.