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phptags tag tidier

Artifact [ad6c37a64a]

Artifact ad6c37a64aaa8a39555cf8a464fc0a6a1f33757e:

Wiki page [phptags tag tidier] by mario 2012-01-09 03:08:39.
D 2012-01-09T03:08:39.495
L phptags\stag\stidier
P f835e76634ef032dad48e3bcd80f1b947898f107
U mario
W 1181

phptags is a simple commandline tool to automate the rewriting of PHP open and close tags. It can convert between short and long open tags, add missing close tags or remove them again, and correct leading or trailing whitespace issues. It utilizes both regex or the tokenizer.

<h3>project pages</h3>

  *  [http://freecode.com/projects/phptags]
  *  [http://include-once.org/p/phptags/]
  *  [http://fossil.include-once.org/phptags]
  *  [http://apt.include-once.org/]

<h3>usage examples</h3>

  *  <b>phptags --whitespace *.php</b> cleans up spaces, UTF-8 BOM before opening and after close tags
  *  <b>phptags --warn directory/</b> searches through dir and just warns about whitespace issues
  *  <b>phptags --close --long  *.php</b> adds close tags, converts open tags into long form &lt;?php
  *  <b>phptags --unclosed --shortall  dir/ ../*.tpl includes/</b> converts all tags into short forms, and strips close tags of document (it's advised to rather fix whitespace than keep using that workaround)

See also <b>--help</b> or the [manpage] [http://fossil.include-once.org/phptags/finfo?name=manpage.1|^] for the complete reference.
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