# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Radionomy
# description: Modern radio directory and streaming provider
# color: #ffcc77
# url: http://radionomy.com/
# version: 0.5
# type: channel
# category: radio
# config: -
# { name: radionomy_pages, type: int, value: 3, category: limit, description: Number of pages per category to scan. }
# { name: radionomy_update, type: boolean, value: 1, description: Also fetch OnAir updates about currently playing songs. }
# png:
# JhESypZnwAKYAWP6wwN3wLUz+gkgEsglsOR/MXdGryK5yaMk34ECWAPVFmMCTIFb4FByeSrl1JDMGf0VcIt7ZcsMeBPYIpaeABSBEABEW8jnLG00dt0WK1ueSikvwDnw4YzeNCS1Z5w2klULkgAb4Bh4AC7kKOrypDsq+JHnBDgBRtuE
# aWBLrpzRr32COBD0vEsQCvocCsQ+oKTj/Ehm5rtnyv9AXt6nrYGrgKyxBl1Re3ykbHkDzPdcEZQtDxorshxsaQf7jcTSjxWQC8wHmL1oc/HyC1/TWBfFRR9xAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
# priority: extra
# Over 6500 radio stations of mixed genres and from different
# countries.
# Radionomy is a commercial radio hosting service. All listed
# stations are actually hosted by itself. Public and free access.
# And stream hosting is free as well, by adding advertisements,
# and given a daily listener quota.
# With "RMO" it furthermore provides access to a reusable song
# collection, and jingles etc.
from config import *
from channels import *
import ahttp
import re
import json
from pq import pq
# radionomy
class radionomy (ChannelPlugin):
# control attributes
has_search = False
listformat = "srv"
audioformat = "audio/mpeg"
titles = dict(listeners=False, bitrate=False)
categories = []
base = "http://www.radionomy.com"
playing = {} # OnAir/Update dict
# categories
def update_categories(self):
# get main categories
main = []
html = ahttp.get(self.base + "/en/style/")
for a in pq(html)("#browseMainGenre li a"):
main += [a.text]
self.catmap[a.text] = a.attrib["href"]
cats = [main[0], [main[1]]]
# append sub categories
for cat in main[2:]:
subs = []
html = ahttp.get("http://www.radionomy.com" + self.catmap[cat])
for a in pq(html)("#browseSubGenre li a"):
subs += [a.text]
self.catmap[a.text] = a.attrib["href"]
self.categories = cats
# stations
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
r = []
# category or search
if cat:
req = self.base + self.catmap[cat]
# assemble page input
html = ahttp.get(req)
for i in range(0, int(conf.radionomy_pages) - 1):
add = ahttp.get(req, { "scrollOffset": i }, post=1, ajax=1)
if add.find("browseRadio") < 0:
html += add
# extractzz
for data in self.data_play_stream(html):
data = json.loads(data)
# combine
genre = cat,
title = data["title"],
url = data["mp3"],
playing = self.playing.get(data["radioUID"], data["song"]),
favourite = int(data.get("isFavorite", 0)),
homepage = "http://www.radionomy.com/en/radio/{}/index".format(data["url"]),
img = re.sub("\.s\d+\.", ".s32.", data["logo"]),
uid = data["radioUID"],
return r
# Extracts the data- attribute JSON blob
def data_play_stream(self, html, use_rx):
if use_rx:
return [self.entity_decode(j) for j in re.findall('data-play-stream="({.*?})"', html)]
# fix up for PyQuery, else ignores appended content
html = re.sub("</html>|</body>", "", html) + "</body></html>"
return [div.attrib["data-play-stream"] for div in pq(html)(".browseRadioWrap .radioPlayBtn")]
# Retrieve en/OnAir/Update for per-UID song titles
def onair_update(self, req):
if conf.radionomy_update:
d = json.loads(
ahttp.get("https://www.radionomy.com/en/OnAir/Update", post=1, referer=req)
if d:
{row["RadioUID"]: "{Title} - {Artist}".format(**row) for row in d}
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("Radionomy title update:", e)
<div id="tile-4f60d666-c9af-4e86-9ed1-7d4d488df430" class="browseRadioWrap">
<a href="/en/radio/w1rs-blues--rock-s-radio/index" rel="internal"><img class="radioCover" src="https://i.radionomy.com/document/radios/4/4f60/4f60d666-c9af-4e86-9ed1-7d4d488df430.s67.jpg" alt="W1RS blues & Rock's Radio" width="67" height="67"></a>
<div class="radioInfo">
<p class="radioName">W1RS blues & Rock's Radio</p>
<p class="nowPlaying" style="display: none;">
<span class="artist">
<span class="separator">-</span>
<span class="title">
<div class="radioRating">
<img src="/images/icons/icon-radioRatings-one.png" width="82" height="13" alt="Ratings">
<a href="#" onclick="AddFavorite('4f60d666-c9af-4e86-9ed1-7d4d488df430', event); return false;" class="fav-icon addToFav">
<img src="/images/icons/icon-radioActionsUnfav.png" width="13" height="13">
<div class="radioPlay">
<div class="radioPlayBtn" data-play-stream="{
"title": "W1RS blues & Rock's
Radio", "isFavorite": false, "url":
"w1rs-blues--rock-s-radio", "logo":
"song": " - ", "radioUID":
"4f60d666-c9af-4e86-9ed1-7d4d488df430" }"></div>
<!-- StopBtn -->