# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: class
# title: global config object
# description: reads ~/.config/streamtuner/*.json files
# config:
# { arg: -d, type: str, name: disable[], description: Omit plugin from initialization. }
# { arg: -e, type: str, name: enable[], description: Add channel plugin. }
# { arg: --gtk3, type: boolean, name: gtk3, description: Start with Gtk3 interface. }
# { arg: --nt, type: boolean, name: nothreads, description: Disable threading/gtk_idle UI. }
# { arg: -D, type: boolean, name: debug, description: Enable debug messages on console }
# { arg: action, type: str *, name: action[], description: CLI interface commands. }
# { arg: -x, type: boolean, name: exit, hidden: 1 }
# { arg: -V, type: boolean, name: version, description: Print version. }
# { arg: -w, type: boolean, name: pydoc, hiden: 1 }
# version: 2.7
# priority: core
# depends: pluginconf >= 0.1, os, json, re, zlib, pkgutil
# Ties together the global conf.* object. It's typically used
# in the main application and modules with:
# from config import *
# The underlying ConfigDict class is already instantiated and
# imported as `conf` then.
# With .save() or .load() it handles storage as JSON. Both
# utility functions are also used for other cache files.
# More specific config stores are available per .netrc(),
# and .init_args().
# Whereas plugin utility code is available per plugin_meta(),
# module_list(), and get_data(). There's a prepared function
# for add_plugin_config() on initialization.
# Also provides a simple logging interface with log.TYPE(...),
# which is also pre-instantiated.
from __future__ import print_function
import os, glob
import sys
import json
import gzip
import platform
import re
from compat2and3 import gzip_decode, find_executable, PY2, PY3
import zlib
import zipfile
import inspect
import pkgutil
import argparse
from pluginconf import plugin_meta, module_list, get_data
import pluginconf
# export symbols
__all__ = ["conf", "log", "plugin_meta", "module_list", "get_data", "find_executable"]
#-- create a stub instance of config object
conf = object()
# separate instance of netrc, if needed
netrc = None
# Global configuration store
# Autointializes itself on startup, makes conf.vars available.
# Also provides .load() and .save() for JSON data/cache files.
class ConfigDict(dict):
args = {}
# start
def __init__(self):
# object==dict means conf.var is conf["var"]
self.__dict__ = self
# prepare
# runtime
self.share = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# settings from last session
last = self.load("settings")
if (last):
if "share" in last:
del last["share"]
# store defaults in file
self.firstrun = 1
# temporary files
if not os.path.exists(self.tmp):
# add argv
self.args = self.init_args(argparse.ArgumentParser())
# some defaults
def defaults(self):
self.windows = platform.system()=="Windows"
self.play = {
"audio/mpeg": self.find_player(),
"audio/ogg": self.find_player(),
"audio/*": self.find_player(),
"video/youtube": self.find_player(typ="video") + " $(youtube-dl -g %srv)",
"video/*": self.find_player(typ="video", default="vlc"),
"url/http": self.find_player(typ="browser"),
self.record = {
"audio/*": self.find_player(typ="xterm", append=' -e "streamripper %srv -u ''iTunes/12.5.5 (Linux; X11; Gecko rv:57) SR/1.64''" '), # -d /home/***USERNAME***/Musik
"video/youtube": self.find_player(typ="video", append=' $("youtube-dl %srv")'),
self.specbuttons = {
#"gtk-media-forward": "pavucontrol",
# Presets are redundant now. On first startup the `priority:` field of each plugin is checked.
self.plugins = {
# core plugins, cannot be disabled anyway
"bookmarks": 1,
"search": 1,
"streamedit": 1,
"configwin": 1,
self.tmp = os.environ.get("TEMP", "/tmp") + "/streamtuner2"
self.nothreads = 0
self.max_streams = "500"
self.internetradio_max_pages = 5
self.show_bookmarks = 1
self.show_favicons = 1
self.load_favicon = 1
self.heuristic_bookmark_update = 0
self.retain_deleted = 0
self.auto_save_appstate = 1
self.auto_save_stations = 0
self.reuse_m3u = 1
self.playlist_asis = 0
self.window_title = 0
self.google_homepage = 0
self.open_mode = "r" if self.windows and PY2 else "rt"
self.pyquery = 1
self.debug = 0
self.status_color = "#ffeecc"
self.searchbtn = 0
# update old setting names
def migrate(self):
# 2.1.7
if self.tmp == "/tmp":
self.tmp = "/tmp/streamtuner2"
# Add plugin names and default config: options from each .meta
def add_plugin_defaults(self, meta, name):
pluginconf.add_plugin_defaults(self, self.plugins, meta, name)
# look at system binaries for standard audio players
def find_player(self, typ="audio", default="xdg-open", append=""):
if self.windows:
return self.find_player_win(typ, default)
players = { # linux
"audio": ["audacious %m3u", "audacious2", "exaile %pls", "xmms2", "banshee", "amarok %pls", "clementine", "qmmp", "quodlibet", "aqualung", "mp3blaster %m3u", "vlc --one-instance", "totem"],
"video": ["umplayer", "xnoise", "gxine", "totem", "vlc --one-instance", "parole", "smplayer", "gnome-media-player", "xine", "bangarang"],
"browser": ["opera", "midori", "firefox", "sensible-browser"],
"xterm": ["xfce4-terminal", "x-terminal-emulator", "gnome-terminal", "xterm", "rxvt"],
for bin in players[typ]:
if find_executable(bin.split()[0]):
return bin
return default
# Windows look for c:/program files/*/*.exe
def find_player_win(self, typ="audio", default="wmplayer %asx", append=""):
pf = os.environ["ProgramFiles"]
base = [pf, "c:\\windows", "c:\\program files", "c:\\windows\\internet explorer\\"]
players = {
"audio": ["\\VideoLAN\\VLC*\\vlc.exe", "\\VLC*\\vlc.exe", "wmplayer.exe %asx"],
"browser": ["\\Moz*\\firefox.exe", "iexplore.exe %url"],
"xterm": ['/D "'+pf+'\\streamripper" streamripper.exe %srv']
typ = typ if typ in players else "audio"
for bin in players[typ]:
for b in base:
fn = glob.glob(b + bin)
if len(fn):
return re.sub("^(.+?)((\s%\w+)?)$", '"\\g<1>"\\g<2>', fn[0], 1) + append
return players[typ][-1]
# http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
def xdg(self, path="/streamtuner2"):
home = os.environ.get("HOME", self.tmp)
config = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.environ.get("APPDATA", home+"/.config"))
# storage dir
self.dir = config + path
# create if necessary
if (not os.path.exists(self.dir)):
# store some configuration list/dict into a file
def save(self, name="settings", data=None, gz=0, nice=0):
name = name + ".json"
if (data is None):
data = vars(self)
if "args" in data:
nice = 1
# check for subdir
if (name.find("/") > 0):
subdir = name[0:name.find("/")]
subdir = self.dir + "/" + subdir
if (not os.path.exists(subdir)):
open(subdir+"/.nobackup", "w").close()
# target filename
file = self.dir + "/" + name
# encode as JSON
data = json.dumps(data, indent=(4 if nice else None), sort_keys=True)
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("JSON encoding failed", e)
# .gz or normal file
if gz:
f = gzip.open(file+".gz", "w")
if os.path.exists(file):
f = open(file, "w")
# write
except TypeError as e:
f.write(data) # Python3 sometimes wants to write strings rather than bytes
# retrieve data from config file
def load(self, name):
name = name + ".json"
file = self.dir + "/" + name
# .gz or normal file
if os.path.exists(file + ".gz"):
f = gzip.open(file + ".gz", self.open_mode)
elif os.path.exists(file):
f = open(file, self.open_mode)
return # file not found
# decode
r = json.load(f)
return r
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("JSON parsing error (in "+name+")", e)
# recursive dict update
def update(self, with_new_data):
for key,value in with_new_data.items():
if type(value) == dict:
self[key] = value
# descends into sub-dicts instead of wiping them with subkeys
# Shortcut to `state.json` loading (currently selected categories etc.)
def state(self, module=None, d={}):
if not d:
d.update(conf.load("state") or {})
if module:
return d.get(module, {})
return d
# standard user account storage in ~/.netrc or less standard but contemporarily in ~/.config/netrc
def netrc(self, varhosts=("shoutcast.com")):
global netrc
if not netrc:
netrc = {}
from netrc import netrc as parser
netrc = parser().hosts
netrc = parser(self.xdg() + "/netrc").hosts
log.STAT("No .netrc")
for server in varhosts:
if server in netrc:
return netrc[server]
# Use config:-style definitions for argv extraction,
# such as: { arg: -D, name: debug, type: bool }
def init_args(self, ap):
for opt in plugin_meta(frame=1).get("config"):
kwargs = pluginconf.argparse_map(opt)
if kwargs:
ap.add_argument(*kwargs.pop("args"), **kwargs)
return ap.parse_args()
# Copy args fields into conf. dict
def apply_args(self, args):
self.debug = args.debug
self.nothreads = args.nothreads
if args.exit:
for p_id in (args.disable or []):
self.plugins[p_id] = 0
for p_id in (args.enable or []):
self.plugins[p_id] = 1
# Simplified print wrapper: `log.err(...)`
class log_printer(object):
# Wrapper
method = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
self.method = name
return self.log_print
# Printer
def log_print(self, *args, **kwargs):
# debug level
method = self.method.upper()
if method != "ERR":
if "debug" in conf and not conf.debug:
# color/prefix
if conf.windows:
method = "[%s]" % method
method = r"[{}[{}][0m".format(self.colors.get(method.split("_")[0], "47m"), method)
# output
print(method + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in args]), file=sys.stderr)
# Colors
colors = {
"ERR": "31m", # red ERROR
"INIT": "38;5;196m", # red INIT ERROR
"WARN": "38;5;208m", # orange WARNING
"EXEC": "38;5;66m", # green EXEC
"PROC": "32m", # green PROCESS
"FAVICON":"38;5;119m", # green FAVICON
"CONF": "33m", # brown CONFIG DATA
"DND": "1;33;41m", # yl/red DRAG'N'DROP
"UIKIT":"38;5;222;48;5;235m", # THREAD/UIKIT/IDLE TASKS
"APPSTATE":"38;5;200m", # magenta APPSTATE RESTORE
"HTTP": "35m", # magenta HTTP REQUEST
"DATA": "36m", # cyan DATA
"INFO": "38;5;238m", # lgray INFO
"STAT": "37m", # gray CONFIG STATE
# instantiate right away
log = log_printer()
# populate global conf instance
conf = ConfigDict()
log.PROC("ConfigDict() initialized")
# tie in pluginconf.*
pluginconf.log_ERR = log.ERR
pluginconf.module_base = "config"
pluginconf.plugin_base = ["channels", "plugins"]#, conf.share+"/channels", conf.dir+"/plugins"]