Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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Artifact [cbffba6f3f]

Artifact cbffba6f3fd9870474434a1f3a0cb40bc5484dd9:

Wiki page [settings.json] by mario on 2015-05-21 21:02:48.
D 2015-05-21T21:02:48.898
L settings.json
N text/x-markdown
P 5366a4e272d33391aebb845ae0323d933aa12ddf
U mario
W 2673
Streamtuner2 has a configuration file in <kbd>`~/.config/streamtuner2/settings.json`</kbd>. You can edit it with any text editor. But take care to correctly pair quotes, and don't omit commas between group values.

	    "auto_save_appstate": true, 
	    "auto_save_stations": true, 
	    "debug": false, 
	    "dir": "/home/mario/.config/streamtuner2", 
	    "dnd_format": "xspf", 
	    "google_homepage": true, 
	    "heuristic_bookmark_update": false, 
	    "history": "20", 
	    "icon_dir": "/home/mario/.config/streamtuner2/icons", 
	    "internetradio_max_pages": "5", 
	    "jamendo_count": "1", 
	    "load_favicon": true, 
	    "max_streams": "500", 
	    "nothreads": false, 
	    "play": {
	        "audio/*": "vlc --one-instance %xspf", 
	        "url/http": "opera", 
	        "video/*": "vlc --one-instance", 
	    "playlist_asis": false, 
	    "plugin_auto": true, 
	    "plugin_dir": "/home/mario/.config/streamtuner2/plugins", 
	    "plugins": {
	        "bookmarks": true, 
	        "configwin": true, 
	        "delicast": false, 
	        "dev_console": false, 
	        "di": true, 
	        "dnd": true, 
	        "exportcat": false, 
	        "favicon": true, 
	        "filtermusic": true, 
	        "internet_radio": true, 
	        "jamendo": true, 
	        "modarchive": false, 
	        "myoggradio": true, 
	        "pluginmanager2": true, 
	        "radionet": true, 
	        "radionomy": true, 
	        "surfmusik": true, 
	        "xiph": true, 
	        "youtube": true
	    "pyquery": true, 
	    "record": {
	        "audio/*": "xfce4-terminal -e streamripper %srv", 
	        "video/youtube": "xfce4-terminal -e \"youtube-dl %srv\""
	    "retain_deleted": false, 
	    "reuse_m3u": true, 
	    "share": "/home/mario/projects/streamtuner2", 
	    "show_bookmarks": true, 
	    "show_favicons": true, 
	    "tmp": "/tmp/streamtuner2", 
	    "useragent": "Streamtuner2", 
	    "window_title": true, 

There are three JSON groups:

  * the `plugins: { }` list simply lists which channel and feature modules are enabled.
  * And `record:`
  * and `player:` are the audio/recording apps from the config dialog.

All other fields are individual core and plugin options. They're usually sorted alphabetically. Plugin options often have a name prefix which indicate their belonging.

A few options may not be available in the <kbd>F12</kbd> configuration dialog as checkbox, but can be edited here.

You probably only want to edit it manually if there's a startup problem, which neither <kbd>-D</kbd> nor <kbd>-d pluginoff</kbd> can fix.

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