Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [e2f164442a]

Artifact e2f164442a09a83b94a3d13b008a75def51cf384:

  • File channels/ — part of check-in [ea628d6426] at 2015-04-08 17:59:53 on branch trunk — Remove extraneous class wrapper action.action. Start to regroup listformat mapping (pls-url → m3u-fn rewrites). Will need some heuristics, as depending just on the channel.listformat assumption won't work in practice (some .pls servers actually host direct server links, or occasionally .m3u references even). Currently does nothing, just returns the pls/etc URL. (user: mario, size: 5948) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

# api: streamtuner2
# title: Recording timer
# description: Schedules play/record events for bookmarked radio stations.
# type: feature
# category: hook
# depends: kronos
# version: 0.6
# config: -
# priority: optional
# support: unsupported
# Provides an internal timer, to configure recording and playback times/intervals
# for stations. It accepts a natural language time string when registering a stream.
# Context menu > Extension > Add timer
# Programmed events are visible in "timer" under the "bookmarks" channel. Times
# are stored in the description field, and can thus be edited. However, after editing
# times manually, streamtuner2 must be restarted for any changes to take effect.

from config import *
from channels import *
import bundle.kronos as kronos  # Doesn't work with Python3
from uikit import uikit
import action
import copy
import re

# timed events (play/record) within bookmarks tab
class timer:

    # plugin info
    module = "timer"
    title = "Timer"
    meta = plugin_meta()
    # configuration settings
    timefield = "playing"
    # kronos scheduler list
    sched = None
    # prepare gui
    def __init__(self, parent):
        if not parent:
        # keep reference to main window
        self.parent = parent
        self.bookmarks = parent.bookmarks
        # add menu
        uikit.add_menu([parent.streammenu, parent.streamactions], "Add timer for station", self.edit_timer, insert=4)
        # target channel
        if not self.bookmarks.streams.get("timer"):
            self.bookmarks.streams["timer"] = [{"title":"--- timer events ---"}]
        self.streams = self.bookmarks.streams["timer"]
        # widgets
        uikit.add_signals(parent, {
            ("timer_ok", "clicked"): self.add_timer,
            ("timer_cancel", "clicked"): self.hide,
            ("timer_dialog", "close"): self.hide,
            ("timer_dialog", "delete-event"): self.hide,
        # prepare spool
        self.sched = kronos.ThreadedScheduler()
        for row in self.streams:
            try: self.queue(row)
            except Exception as e: __print__(dbg.ERR, "queuing error", e)

    # display GUI for setting timespec
    def edit_timer(self, *w):
        self.parent.timer_value.set_text("Fri,Sat 20:00-21:00 play")

    # done        
    def hide(self, *w):
        return self.parent.timer_dialog.hide()

    # close dialog,get data
    def add_timer(self, *w):
        row = self.parent.row()
        row = copy.copy(row)
        # add data
        row["listformat"] = "url/direct"
        if row.get(self.timefield):
            row["title"] = row["title"] + " -- " + row[self.timefield]
        row[self.timefield] = self.parent.timer_value.get_text()
        # store
    # store row in timer database
    def save_timer(self, row):
    # add event to list
    def queue(self, row):
        # chk
        if not row.get(self.timefield) or not row.get("url"):
            #print("NO TIME DATA", row)
        # extract timing parameters
        _ = row[self.timefield]
        days = self.days(_)
        time = self.time(_)
        duration = self.duration(_)
        # which action
        if row[self.timefield].find("rec")>=0:
            activity, action_method = "record", self.record
            activity, action_method = "play",
        # add
        task = self.sched.add_daytime_task(action_method, activity, days, None, time, kronos.method.threaded, [row], {})

        #__print__( "queue",  act, self.sched, (action_method, act, days, None, time, kronos.method.threaded, [row], {}), task.get_schedule_time(True) )
    # converts Mon,Tue,... into numberics 1-7
    def days(self, s):
        weekdays = ["su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa", "su"]
        r = []
        for day in re.findall("\w\w+", s.lower()):
            day = day[0:2]
            if day in weekdays:
        return list(set(r))
    # get start time 18:00
    def time(self, s):
        r ="(\d+):(\d+)", s)
        return int(, int(
    # convert "18:00-19:15" to minutes
    def duration(self, s):
            r ="(\d+:\d+)\s*(\.\.+|-+)\s*(\d+:\d+)", s)
            start = self.time(
            end = self.time(
            duration = (end[0] - start[0]) * 60 + (end[1] - start[1])
            return int(duration) # in minutes
            return 0   # no limit
    # action wrapper
    def play(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
            url = row["url"],
            audioformat = row.get("format","audio/mpeg"), 
            listformat = row.get("listformat","url/direct"),

    # action wrapper
    def record(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
        #print("TIMED RECORD")
        # extra params
        duration = self.duration(row.get(self.timefield))
        if duration:
            append = " -a %S.%d.%q -l "+str(duration*60)   # make streamripper record a whole broadcast
            append = ""

        # start recording
            url = row["url"],
            audioformat = row.get("format","audio/mpeg"), 
            listformat = row.get("listformat","url/direct"),
            append = append,
    def test(self, row, *args, **kwargs):
        print("TEST KRONOS", row)