Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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<h1 class="title"><span class="title"><span class="media"><span class="media media-image"><img src="img/channel_myoggradio.png" class="media media-inline" alt=""></span></span> MyOggRadio</span></h1>
<h2 class="subtitle"><span class="subtitle"><span class="link"><a href="" title="">//</a></span></span></h2>
<div class="region">
<div class="contents pagewide">
<p class="p"><span class="link"><a href="" title="">MyOggRadio</a></span> is an open
source internet radio directory project.</p>
<p class="p">Since it provides its station list as JSON it's very well supported.</p>
<section id=""><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup pagewide"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Sharing is caring</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents pagewide"><p class="p">To help with populating the directory further,
  streamtuner2 provides an option to share radio station links.
  Use the <span class="guiseq"><span class="gui">Station</span> ▸ <span class="gui">Share on MyOggRadio...</span></span>
  context menu entry to upload a selected radio (e.g. from your bookmarks).</p></div></div>
</div></section><section id=""><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup pagewide"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Personal</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents pagewide">
<p class="p">The personal section is empty per default. You need to specify a user account
  in the settings dialog, and actually bookmark stations in the MyOggRadio web site.
  Shared entries aren't automatically in the <span class="gui">personal</span> list.</p>
<div class="note note-tip" title="Tip">
<svg width="24" height="24" version="1.1">
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m12 2c-3.8541 0-7 3.1459-7 7 0 1.823 0.4945 3.139 1.1641 4.133 0.6695 0.994 1.4328 1.671 2.039 2.471 0.0882 0.116 0.1749 0.656 0.2071 1.32 0.016 0.332 0.0133 0.68 0.1894 1.119 0.0881 0.22 0.2439 0.478 0.5059 0.672 0.2619 0.194 0.6028 0.285 0.8945 0.285h4c0.583 0 1.204-0.478 1.402-0.908 0.199-0.43 0.217-0.793 0.244-1.137 0.056-0.688 0.138-1.319 0.211-1.441 0.549-0.916 1.304-2.009 1.94-3.114 0.636-1.104 1.203-2.199 1.203-3.4 0-3.8541-3.146-7-7-7zm0 2c2.773 0 5 2.2267 5 5 0 0.456-0.359 1.401-0.936 2.402-0.111 0.195-0.246 0.399-0.369 0.598h-7.8825c-0.4871-0.728-0.8125-1.519-0.8125-3 0-2.7733 2.2267-5 5-5z" style="block-progression:tb;color-rendering:auto;color:#000000;image-rendering:auto;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;shape-rendering:auto;solid-color:#000000;text-decoration-color:#000000;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-indent:0;text-transform:none;white-space:normal"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m9 20a0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0.5h6a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.5-0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5-0.5h-6zm0 2a0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0.5h6a0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.5-0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0-0.5-0.5h-6z"></path>
</svg><div class="inner"><div class="region"><div class="contents"><p class="p">MyOggRadio also has a neat cross-platform player:
  <span class="link"><a href="" title="">JMyOggRadioPlayer</a></span>.</p></div></div></div>
</div></section><section id="options"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup pagewide"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Channel options.</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents pagewide"><div class="terms"><div class="inner"><div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms"><span class="code">Login settings</span></dt>
<dd class="terms">
<p class="p">If you want to upload station infos to MyOggRadio, you need an account there.
    Registration is free and doesn't require personal information nor email address.
    Specify it as <span class="input">username:password</span> separated with a : colon in this field.</p>
<div class="note note-advanced" title="Advanced">
<svg width="24" height="24" version="1.1">
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m5.4473 12.572c-2.039 0.957-3.4473 3.019-3.4473 5.428v4h20v-4c0-2.406-1.406-4.466-3.441-5.424a8 8 0 0 1-6.559 3.424 8 8 0 0 1-6.5527-3.428z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m12 3a5 5 0 0 0-5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5-5 5 5 0 0 0-5-5zm0 3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2-2z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m15.312 6 3.688 1v2l-3.4688 1z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m14 11.312-1 3.688h-2l-1-3.469z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m10 4.6875 1-3.6875h2l1 3.4688z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m8.6875 10-3.6875-1v-2l3.4688-1z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m12.928 4.2435 3.3146-1.9003 1.4142 1.4142-1.7457 3.1599z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m15.757 8.9281 1.9003 3.3146-1.4142 1.4142-3.1599-1.7457z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m8.2435 7.0719-1.9004-3.3145 1.4143-1.4143 3.1596 1.7457z"></path>
 <path class="yelp-svg-fill" d="m11.072 11.757-3.3146 1.9-1.4143-1.414 1.7457-3.1602z"></path>
</svg><div class="inner"><div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">Alternatively you can store your account settings in the central
      <span class="file">~/.netrc</span> config file. Or in <span class="file">~/.config/netrc</span> even.</p>
<p class="p">Your entry for MyOggRadio should follow the common format:</p>
<div class="code"><pre class="contents"><code>machine
    login usr123
    password pw123</code></pre></div>
<p class="p">Which is useful because it's a standard format, and prevents
      leaking authorization data into per-application config stores.
      Note that a user:pw setting in streamtuner still takes precedence
<dt class="terms"><span class="code">stream URL format</span></dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">When uploading stations, the streaming URL can be converted into
    raw/direct server address. When undefined, station URLs are left as
    .M3U/.PLS link.</p></dd>
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<div class="title"><h2><span class="title">More Information</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><ul>
<li class="links "><a href="channels.html#list" title="Available channels">Available channels</a></li>
<li class="links "><a href="configuration.html#plugins" title="Channel and feature plugins and settings">Channel and feature plugins and settings</a></li>
<li class="links "><a href="index.html#channels" title="Channel tabs">Channel tabs</a></li>
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