# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: RadioBrowser
# description: Community collection of stations; votes, clicks, homepage links.
# version: 0.3
# type: channel
# url: http://www.radio-browser.info/
# category: radio
# priority: optional
# config:
# { type=select, name=radiobrowser_cat, value=tags, select="tags|countries|languages", description=Which category types to list. }
# documentation: http://www.radio-browser.info/#ui-tabs-7
# png:
# N8hxN8hxN8hxN8hxN8hxN8hxN8dtNcFuNcJ+Ss2NX9N6T7uNX9NxPL9jMLBtNcBkMbFqNLuCT89wRq6MXtOATc17Rsp8SMl6Rcl6RctrQqmpht1qQ6PUxex6WqnXye18XarYyu3QyNzp5u739/jh3Ojd
# 2OX4+Pl7XKrYy+3i3eh8Y6Dg2+i2q8ecjrGqm8Krm8LTzN+ikbunl8D5+fl7W6rZy+7z8fTk4Or29fjAuM3Dv8rx7vTs6vHy8PTh3Ojy8PX5+fl6Wqraze75+fn5+vn6+vn6+vn6+vl6WqrMuOl1U6iR
# bMmNbb2NbryOb72PcL6Qcb+Rcr+SdMCTdcGUdsGVd8KWeMOXesSZfMWMa71cNpSLW9JxN8hxN8hxN8hxN8hxN8hrNL2NX9OMXdJ+Ss1/S85/S85/S85+Ss18SMqHV9GMXdK/p+W/p+W+peW+peS9pOS9
# o+S8ouS7oeO6oOO5nuO4neK3m+K3m+Kqidv5+fn5+vn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn4+fn4+Pn4+Pn4+Pn4+Pn5+fnl3vD5+fn5+fn7+/r6+vn5+fn5+vn5+vn5+vn5+fn6+/r6+vr5+fn6+/rp4/H6+vn0
# 8/X08vbz8vX08/b29vf6+/ro4vH7+/r6+/ro4vH6+vn6+vrn4fH6+/n6+vr6+/r6+vn6+/r6+vn6+vn7+/ro4fHt6PXu6fXu6vXv6vXv6/Xw6/bw7Pbw7fbx7fbx7vby7vby7/fz8ffd0+7///+qD5Mw
# AAAAYHRSTlPJ4/Hz8/Lx7+3s6ufi08N9/fve8/bo//T8/vb6/fr67eL02vbc9/Tt//3v/N34/5aO/MWeoM7Rbene+f7E0PykaWqx3K333/v//Pv7/eD34Z/m7O3v8fL09vf5+vv8/9Pw7ECfAAAAAWJL
# H3Fyc3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+IAAhf4CBgoOEhYaHiImKi4wiACONjo+QkZKTlJWWl5iZmiQAJZucJiconZ6foCkqK6GiLAAtoy4vMDEyMzQ1Njc4pKU5ADqmOzw9Pj9AQUJDREWnqEYAR6mqq6xISUpLTK2u
# r7CxTQBOsrO0tba3uLm6u7y9vr9PAFBRUlNUVVZXWFlaW1xdXl9emUehk/NThwAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVhdGUAMjAxNS0wNC0wMlQwMTo0OTozOSswMjowMH98i/gAAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6bW9kaWZ5
# x-icon-src: openclipart:tape.png
# x-service-by: segler_alex
# extraction-method: json
# Radio-Browser is a community-collected list of internet radios.
# Currently lists ≥4000 streaming stations, and tracks favourited
# entries. Furthermore includes station homepage links!
# If you change the categories between tags/countries/languages,
# please apply [Channel]→[Reload Category Tree] afterwards.
# Also has a neat JSON API, has an excellent documentation, thus
# is quite easy to support. It's also used by Rhythmbox / VLC /
# Clementine / Kodi / RadioDroid / etc.
import re
import json
from config import *
from channels import *
from uikit import uikit
import ahttp
# API endpoints:
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/countries
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/languages
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/tags
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/stations/topclick
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/stations/topvote
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/stations
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/stations/searchterm
# http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/stations/bytag/searchterm
# ENTRY sets:
# {"id":63,"name": "Energy Sachsen", "url":"http://www.energyradio.de/sachsen",
# "homepage":"http://www.energy.de", "favicon":"http://www.energy.de/favicon.ico",
# "tags":"Pop Dance RnB Techno","country":"Germany","subcountry":"","language":"German",
# "votes":4,"negativevotes":10},
class radiobrowser (ChannelPlugin):
# control flags
has_search = True
listformat = "pls"
titles = dict(listeners="Votes+", bitrate="Votes-", playing="Country")
base = "http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice/json/"
categories = []
pricat = ("topvote", "topclick")
catmap = { "tags": "bytag", "countries": "bycountry", "languages": "bylanguage" }
# hook menu
def init2(self, parent):
if parent:
uikit.add_menu([parent.streammenu, parent.streamactions], "Share in Radio-Browser", self.submit, insert=5)
# votes, and tags, no countries or languages
def update_categories(self):
self.categories = list(self.pricat)
for sub in [conf.radiobrowser_cat]:
cats = []
for entry in self.api(sub):
if entry["value"] and len(entry["value"]) > 1:
# Direct mapping
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
if cat:
if cat in self.pricat:
data = self.api("stations/" + cat)
elif cat in ("tags", "countries", "languages"):
return [dict(genre="-", title="Placeholder category", url="offline:")]
data = self.api("stations/" + self.catmap[conf.radiobrowser_cat] + "/" + cat)
elif search:
data = self.api("stations/" + search)
return []
r = []
for e in data:
genre = e["tags"],
url = e["url"],
format = "audio/mpeg",
title = e["name"],
homepage = e["homepage"],
playing = e["country"],
listeners = int(e["votes"]),
bitrate = - int(e["negativevotes"]),
return r
# fetch multiple pages
def api(self, method, params={}, post=False):
j = ahttp.get(self.base + method, params, post=post)
return json.loads(j, strict=False) # some entries contain invalid character encodings
return []
# Add radio station to RBI
def submit(self, *w):
cn = self.parent.channel()
row = cn.row()
# convert row from channel
data = dict(
name = row["title"],
url = row["url"],
homepage = row["homepage"],
#favicon = self.parent.favicon.html_link_icon(row["url"]), # no longer available as module
tags = row["genre"].replace(" ", ","),
# map extra fields
for _from,_val,_to in [("playing","location","country")]:
#country Austria The name of the country where the radio station is located
#state Vienna The name of the part of the country where the station is located
#language English The main language which is used in spoken text parts of the radio station.
if _from in cn.titles and cn.titles[_from].lower() == _val:
data[_to] = _from
# API submit
j = self.api("add", data, post=1)
if j and "ok" in j and j["ok"] == "true" and "id" in j:
self.parent.status("Submitted successfully to Radio-Browser.info, new station id #%s." % j["id"], timeout=15)