# api: streamtuner2
# title: Stream entry editor
# description: Allows to inspect and modify station/stream entries.
# version: 0.6
# type: feature
# category: ui
# config: -
# priority: core
# Editing dialog for stream entries. Available in
# the context and main menu. Most useful for
# changing bookmarks, or even creating new ones.
from uikit import *
import channels
from config import *
from copy import copy
# aux win: stream data editing dialog
class streamedit (AuxiliaryWindow):
fields = [
"favicon", "format", "genre", "homepage", "playing", "title", "url", "extra"
# show stream data editing dialog
def open(self, mw):
self.main.configwin.load_config(self.main.row(), "streamedit_")
# copy widget contents to stream
def save(self, w):
row = self.main.row()
for k in self.fields:
if not k in row:
row[k] = ""
self.main.configwin.save_config(row, "streamedit_")
# add a new list entry, update window
def new(self, w):
s = self.main.channel().stations()
s.append({"title":"new", "url":"", "format":"audio/mpeg", "genre":"", "listeners":1});
self.main.channel().switch() # update display
self.main.channel().gtk_list.get_selection().select_path(str(len(s)-1)); # set cursor to last row
# hide window
def cancel(self, *w):
return True