Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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<div class="hgroup"><h1 class="title"><span class="title">Saving</span></h1></div>
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<p class="p">You can export the currently selected stream using
	<span class="guiseq"><span class="gui">Station</span> ▸ <span class="gui">Save</span></span>.  A file dialog
	opens, where you can adapt the title.  The extension of the filename
	decides on the saved link format.  Per default a .m3u file is
	created, because most audio players understand this format.</p>
<p class="p"> But you can also save in .pls or .xspf or .asx or .smil format. 
	Note that the lower right dropdown has no effect. You have to edit the
	filename field.</p>
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