Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

PACKAGING at [afc61c15c3]

File PACKAGING artifact 60b1f4be5f part of check-in afc61c15c3

# pack: PACKAGING=

This is a short summary for distribution package maintainers.
For regular end-user documentation please see the README and
help/ pages.

Changes in 2.2.2 (2020-05-xx)

There's been a few deprecations:

 · youtube is now in contrib/
 · dirble, listenlive, delicast, streamlicensing, tuner2
   are gone 
 · don't package the contrib/disabled/ folder

Structural changes from 2.1.5 onwards (2015-04-xx)

 → There's a new `bin` script. It's a lightweight invocation
   wrapper, intended to be installed as /usr/bin/streamtuner2
   Which hopefully avoids lengthy patches in the future.

 → The previous `` still exists, but is now supposed to
   reside in `/usr/share/streamtuner2/` along with all
   other modules.

 → Theoretically it's now possible to change the target path
   even (just edit `bin`).

I'd still advise to use /usr/share/streamtuner2/ as main target
directory though. It's not yet practical to extract into Python
site-package directories.

The channel PNG files have been soaked into the .py includes.
Though one could still package any static *.png alongside.
(Both will remain supported, for simplicity.)


 · bookmarks, configdialog, streamedit were extracted into
   channels/ - which is why the main module got lighter.

 · is the new mygtk

 · contrib/ contains more add-on modules, which could just
   be packaged into channels/ - selectively.

   (Alternatively users can download and activate those
   themselves later.)

Aux files

 → Help files still need to go to share/docs/streamtuner2/help/
   unless you patch the source. (Don't package html/ along.)

 → *.desktop as usual

 → and `icon.png` is the /share/pixmaps/ icon


All prior channel icons/PNGs have been removed. (Embedded
binary data may violate some distro guidelines(?), but hey,
fewer files are fewer files!)

And the streamtuner2.png logo is now source-embedded instead;
the `` module provides a `logo.png` base64-string.

The old `gtk2.xml` file is gone. It probably became obsolete
a long while back. The gtk3.xml is instead runtime-patched
to work with PyGTK/gtk2.


If possible, make ST2 dependend on Python2 -or- Python3.
It's not yet practical, and probably against distro standards,
and only APT could so anyway. But if feasible...

Also, hard dependencies are meanwhile:

  - gtk (>= 2.16)
  - pygtk                           [or python-gi for python3]
  - python-requests (>= 2.0.0)
  - python-pyquery    [though most plugins would work without]
  - and its implied python-lxml
  - python-pillow     [or compatible PIL]

Optional dependencies (just affects a single plugin, which
semi-gracefully disables itself):

  - python-keybinder   [for global_key]
  - python-dbus        [for radiotray]

Very optional dependencies (everything should work without):

  - python-xdg

Strongly suggest:

  - streamripper       [or ficy/fpls etc.]
  - any audio player of course


  - youtube-dl   [technically not required, as VLC works without]

Lazy installation

The new .PYZ archive bundles everything into a ZIP file. Which,
given the right shebang, could just be "installed" as literal
/usr/bin/streamtuner2 even.

I'm sure nobody is going to do so. But you know, it's at least
a theoretical option now..

And this PYZ-packaging scheme is the main reason for the
restructuring, and embedded PNGs for example. (Albeit that
wasn't strictly necessary.)

FPM/XPM packaging

You may have noticed (and scoffed at ;) the newer packaging
method. It's now using
with the `-s src` filter. (That's what the meta comment blocks
in the source modules were always meant for.)

Simplifies DEB and RPM packaging, as well as PYZ generation.
(They're all workable, but decidedly rather crude packages.
So yes, proper distro packages are very much still needed.)

Fossil Repo

The source code is hosted in a Fossil repo.
A few special pages of interest:


 · Raw tarball/zip, by version or tip/trunk

 · Literal file download

 · Doc browsing/download

 · Trunk filerefs

   (Git may or may not choke on its own export format though..)


Thanks guys!