History of contrib/new_station.py of 6bfe67e3678c7e92
History of the file that is called contrib/new_station.py at checkin 6bfe67e3678c7e92
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16:17 | Build `new_station` dialog manually. file: [5deb8cb3d6] check-in: [a1d8b8ef7b] user: mario, branch: new_station, size: 907 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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21:49 | Added: Introduce "New station..." menu entry. (via streamedit / non-functional on first invocation / needs custom simpler UI and implementation) file: [44642fb809] check-in: [249dac590b] user: mario, branch: trunk, size: 702 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |