Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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Update of "player"


Artifact ID: 667fa441de3f1942dc4546c6f7b3f8ac94b01e8a
Page Name:player
Date: 2017-01-01 20:35:41
Original User: Oliver
Parent: ecd9729221611d51882bd90cfa4f72492bc1c4bb (diff)
Next 9e369eee071d41b3c3dab13cdc83a28288775057

Player config

See also Configuration Apps.

The config dialog for player settings allows to associate different media playback apps for different audio streams.

  • In practice you may want to define the same application for both.

  • You could even edit out all but the audio/* fallback entry.

  • Note that you have to specify an actual player (audacious, vlc, exaile, mplayer, totem). Playlist manager apps (banshee, rhythmbox, gmusicbrowser, streamtuner2 itself) will not work.

After changing an application name, a green indicator should appear. This however does not apply to Windows. The automatic application detection is not supported on this platform.

Note also that on Windows any path containing spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ("P:\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe", e.g) (which is of course not an audio player, but can also be configured on this settings page). You may also consider to add any path to your audio/video player application or preferred internet browser to the %Path% environment variable.


Various placeholders can be specified after the command:

<style> article .content table { width: 75%; margin: 5pt 15pt; } </style>

%m3u Locally (downloaded/converted) .m3u file
%f aliases to %m3u
%pls Link to on-server .pls stream list (default, works with most players, and is often faster as ST2 does not need to convert the playlist)
%u Aliases for %pls and %url
%srv Extracted direct link to streaming server (e.g.
%d Aliases for %srv
%xspf Xiph shareable playlist format (for newer apps)
%x Alias for %xspf
%jspf Not widely supported
%smil Not widely supported
%asx Outdated format

If no placeholder is specified in the configuration a default %m3u is appended.

Shell syntax

The commands are mostly free-form. You can use various shell idioms. For example pkill vlc ; vlc %url to only have one running instance of players that would otherwise run in parallel (VLC also has an option for that, which would apply globally then).

Notes for Windows: Shell commands are invoked using the Windows Start command. If they are targeting a non-GUI-application like streamripper.exe the syntax is:

   /D ["][Path-to-streamripper]["] streamripper.exe %srv [parameters for streamripper.exe]

For killing an application (GUI or not) use e.g.

   Taskkill.exe /IM streamripper.exe