Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

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<div class="hgroup"><h1 class="title"><span class="title">Settings dialog</span></h1></div>
<div class="region">
<div class="contents">
<p class="p">There are various options for streamtuner2.
        You can find the settings dialog in the edit menu as "Preferences" (last entry).
<div class="terms"><div class="inner">
<div class="title title-terms"><h2><span class="title">It's separated into three main areas.</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><dl class="terms">
<dt class="terms">Player</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Lists audio formats and the audio player applications, or recording tools below.
            It's a file type to application table. Double click an entry for editing.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Options</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Influences the display of all stream/station lists, and contains some system settings.</p></dd>
<dt class="terms">Channel Plugins</dt>
<dd class="terms"><p class="p">Every channel tab can have specific options. These are configured here.
            Also you can disable channels you don't need.</p></dd>
<div id="apps" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Player application settings</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">MIME types are elaborate identifiers for file types; audio/mp3 for example represents MP3 files, and audio/ogg
		means just OGG.</p>
<p class="p">The text entry fields can hold the application name of an audio player. Often the application name
		is just a lower case version of the program title.</p>
<p class="p">Behind application names a placeholder can be used. On invocation such placeholders
		get replaced with an URL (a http://..-Link) or filename for the selected radio stream.</p>
<p class="p">Placeholders are introduced by a percent sign, and followed by letters. %m3u for example generates a .m3u file,
                which most audio players understand. Otherwise try %pls, which might even be faster because streamtuner2 doesn't
		have to download and preprocess it. Alternatively %srv instead gives a direct stream link.</p>
<p class="p">Catch-all entries like */* or a generic audio/* entry allow to configure a default player.
<p class="p">Recording</p>
<p class="p">The second block of entries in the 'Apps' section specifies recording applications.
                Here streamripper is preconfigured for audio streams, and youtube-dl for Youtube videos for instance.
                To define a target directory, you can add commandline arguments to each. Also it's typically
                helpful to leave the xterm prefix on, so you can follow the processing state. (Alternatively to
                xterm there is x-terminal-emulator, or rxvt, gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, etc.)</p>
<div class="links topiclinks"><div class="inner"><div class="region">
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="config_apps.html" title="Audio players"><span class="title">Audio players</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Common applications to use as players.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="recording.html" title="Recording"><span class="title">Recording</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Save radio songs as MP3 files via streamripper.</span></a></div>
<div id="gui" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Display/GUI options</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">Most options here a self-explanatory. The options for the favicons define if station entries should
		show little icons. Not all stations have one, so you might as well turn this off to conserve a little
<p class="p">The number of stations setting is not honored by all channel plugins. Often it's not possible to
		load more or fewer station entries. Some plugins have own settings (in the 'Plugins' section) even.
		For the major plugins this however limits how much scroll text appears in the stream lists.</p>
<p class="p">"Retain deleted stations" keeps old entries, when you reload a category/genre. Shoutcast often
		forgets stations or throws them out. If you keep this option enabled, these entries are kept in
		streamtuner2. Browse down in the stations list to still see them.</p>
<p class="p">It's possible to select a Gtk+ theme. But not all themes work with all Gtk display engines, and
		not all themes work with streamtuner2. You'll have to try.</p>
<p class="p">Remembering window states allows streamtuner2 to reconstruct which channel and category was last
		selected. You can however disable this option, and instead manually save the window states/layout
		in the edit menu, if you want.</p>
<p class="p">Setting another temporary directory might be useful, if you want to keep the temporary .m3u cache
		files. They are created whenever you hit play. For archival or speed-up porposes you might want to keep
		them elsewhere. They don't take a lot of space.</p>
<div id="plugins" class="sect"><div class="inner">
<div class="hgroup"><h2 class="title"><span class="title">Plugin and Channel settings</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><div class="contents">
<p class="p">Each channel plugin can bring its own list of configuration settings. These are collected here.</p>
<p class="p">The heading for each plugin allows to enable or disable it. To apply changed states you need to restart
                streamtuner2 however.</p>
<p class="p">If you want to find out more about the short option descriptions (most settings are checkboxes),
		please have a look into the channels directory /usr/share/streamtuner2/channels/ and corresponding
		*.py files. These are readable, and sometimes contain more information.</p>
<div class="links topiclinks"><div class="inner"><div class="region">
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="internet_radio_org_uk.html" title=""><span class="title"></span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Large radio directory from the UK.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="myoggradio.html" title="MyOggRadio"><span class="title">MyOggRadio</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Open source stream directory.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="shoutcast.html" title="Shoutcast"><span class="title">Shoutcast</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">One of the bigger radio station lists.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="surfmusik.html" title="SurfMusic"><span class="title">SurfMusic</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">International radio listings.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="xiph.html" title=""><span class="title"></span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">ICEcast radio directory.</span></a></div>
<div class="linkdiv "><a class="linkdiv" href="youtube.html" title="Youtube"><span class="title">Youtube</span><span class="linkdiv-dash"> โ€” </span><span class="desc">Youtube music/video listings.</span></a></div>
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<div class="title"><h2><span class="title">More Information</span></h2></div>
<div class="region"><ul><li class="links "><a href="index.html#configuration" title="Configuration">Configuration</a></li></ul></div>
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