History Of Ticket 0163168f81
Artifacts Associated With Ticket 0163168f81
Ticket change [703855ec62] (rid 694) by anonymous on 2014-07-04 09:28:57:
- foundin initialized to: "2.1.1"
- icomment:
live365 plugin is broken because of changes on server side
- login: "nobody"
- mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
- private_contact initialized to: "7311000a7178e4d5272106a2f7d7210a7d674c74"
- severity initialized to: "Important"
- status initialized to: "Open"
- title initialized to:
live365 plugin is broken because of changes on server side
- type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
Ticket change [0f2fb17ebe] (rid 704) by mario on 2014-07-29 23:46:27:
- icomment:
I've meanwhile inspected the new Live365.com thoroughly. It's not unfeasible to readd support; but incredibly difficult. Playing would require a session cookie, so bookmarks were right out. Deferred.
- login: "mario"
- mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
- priority changed to: "Low"
- resolution changed to: "Open"
- severity changed to: "Severe"
- status changed to: "Verified"
- icomment:
Ticket change [83f21f43ee] (rid 760) by mario on 2014-11-13 06:09:38:
- icomment: "It seems the last fix is still working after all."
- login: "mario"
- mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
- severity changed to: "Critical"
- status changed to: "Fixed"