Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

View Ticket

Ticket Hash: 583eacd375cd430c18720cf80d162deb73c07c4f
Title: Internet-Radio broken
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-03-24 22:25:59
Version Found In: 2.1.4
User Comments:
mario added on 2015-02-07 03:23:58: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Both regex and DOM parser are out of sync.

mario added on 2015-03-24 22:25:59: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Regex and DOM extraction adapted.