| index streamtuner2/config.py |
# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: class
# title: global config object
# description: reads ~/.config/streamtuner/*.json files
# config:
# { arg: -d, type: str, name: disable[], description: Omit plugin from initialization. }
# { arg: -e, type: str, name: enable[], description: Add channel plugin. }
# { arg: --gtk3, type: boolean, name: gtk3, description: Start with Gtk3 interface. }
# { arg: --nt, type: boolean, name: nothreads, description: Disable threading/gtk_idle UI. }
# { arg: -D, type: boolean, name: debug, description: Enable debug messages on console }
# { arg: action, type: str *, name: action[], description: CLI interface commands. }
# { arg: -x, type: boolean, name: exit, hidden: 1 }
# { arg: -V, type: boolean, name: version, description: Print version. }
# { arg: -w, type: boolean, name: pydoc, hiden: 1 }
# version: 2.7
# priority: core
# depends: pluginconf >= 0.1, os, json, re, zlib, pkgutil
# Ties together the global conf.* object. It's typically used
# in the main application and modules with:
# from config import *
# The underlying ConfigDict class is already instantiated and
# imported as `conf` then.
# With .save() or .load() it handles storage as JSON. Both
# utility functions are also used for other cache files.
# More specific config stores are available per .netrc(),
# and .init_args().
# Whereas plugin utility code is available per plugin_meta(),
# module_list(), and get_data(). There's a prepared function
# for add_plugin_config() on initialization.
# Also provides a simple logging interface with log.TYPE(...),
# which is also pre-instantiated.
Modules | ||||||
Functions | ||
Data | ||
| __all__ = 'conf', 'log', 'plugin_meta', 'module_list', 'get_data', 'find_executable' conf = {u'filter_walledgardens': True, u'radionomy_page...e/mario/.config/streamtuner2', u'history': u'20'} log = <config.log_printer object> |