# encoding: ascii
# api: fpm
# title: generic script source
# description: Utilizes `pack:` specifier from meta/comment block in script files
# type: package
# category: source
# version: 0.7
# state: beta
# architecture: all
# license: MITL
# author: mario#include-once:org
# config: <arg name="src-only" description="Only apply main pack: spec, do not recurse.">
# depends:
# pack: src.rb, README=README.txt, src/*.png
# The "src" input is intended for packaging scripting language files.
# A top-level comment can hold per-file description fields, where the
# `pack:` lines simply reference other files to recurse and include.
# β Other documentation/meta fields from the origin file are used as
# package attributes (fpm --flag values still take precedence).
# β The pack: line gives a simple comma-separated list of other scripts
# or files to include.
# Β· For instance `pack: src.rb, readme.txt, install.sh` will package
# those files together with the main script.
# Β· RECURSION: referenced files can itself specify a `pack:` line
# onto other scripts/source/binary files.
# Β· With `pack: m.py=main.py, b=b.txt` files can be renamed.
# Β· Glob matching is also possible `pack: plugins/*.php`
# Limited glob-rewriting via `doc/*.txt=manual/` even.
# It's sort of working, use with care.
# Β· A file can even exclude itself with `pack: empty.rb=`
# Binary files can be referenced from a text/source file of course.
# Alternatively a concise spec.txt can be crafted to hold default
# packaging settings for fpm. Which is a nice alternative to a "dir"
# source or --inputs list for small projects.
# β `depends:` lines are not yet used for packaging. They aren't
# transcribed into system package (rpm/deb) control fields either.
# (They're mostly intended for in-application plugin management.)
require "fpm/package"
require "fpm/util"
require "backports"
require "fileutils"
require "find"
require "socket"
require "pathname"
# Source package.
# Reads in the meta data comment block from the first specified file,
# recursively includes all pack:-mentioned scripts, while honoring
# src=dest filename specifiers.
class FPM::Package::Src < FPM::Package # inheriting from ::Dir doesn't work
option "--depends", :flag, "Traverse source files as mentioned in depends: field.", :default => false
option "--only", :flag, "Only apply origin files pack: directive, do not recurse.", :default => false
# Start from first specified source file.
def input(path)
# The init/main file should contain usable package meta fields
if m = get_meta(path)
# copy attributes over, if not present/overriden
@name = m["id"] if not @name
@version = m["version"] if not @version
@epoch = m["epoch"] if not @epoch
@architecture = m["architecture"] if not attributes[:architecture_given?]
@description = "#{m['description']}\n#{m['comment']}" if not attributes[:description_given?]
@url = m["url"] || m["homepage"] if not attributes[:url_given?]
@category = m["category"] if not attributes[:category_given?]
@priority = m["priority"] if not attributes[:priority_given?]
@license = m["license"] if not attributes[:license_given?]
@vendor = m["author"] if not attributes[:maintainer_given?]
@maintainer = m["author"] if not attributes[:maintainer_given?]
# retain all available attributes (formerly :meta, now in shared :attrs)
#@todo preparse and collect config: structures
# Assemble rewrite map
# {
# rel/src1 => { src2=>dest, src3=>dest } ,
# rel/src2 => { src4=> .. }
# }
@map = {:spec_start => {path => path}}
::Dir.chdir(attributes[:chdir] || ".") do
#p @map
# Copy all referenced files.
copied = {}
@map.each do |from,pack|
pack.each do |src,dest|
# Each file can hold a primary declaration and override its target filename / make itself absent.
if dest and @map[dest] and @map[dest][dest]
dest = @map[dest][dest]
# References above the src/.. would also cross the staging_dir, give warning
if dest and dest.match(/^\.\.\//)
logger.warn("Referencing above ../ the basedir from #{from}")
# Else just apply pack{} map copying verbatim, possibly overwriting or duplicating files.
if not copied[src+">"+dest]
#p "cp #{src} to /#{dest}"
real_copy("#{src}", "#{staging_path}/#{attributes[:prefix]}/#{dest}") if dest != ""
copied[src+">"+dest] = 1
# Scan files for file,src=dest mapping lists.
# Each source file can specify references as `pack: two.sh, sub/three.py`
# where each scriptsΒ΄ subdirectory becomes the next base directory.
# The `dest` parameter is carried over from the previous old=new
# filename pack{} map.
def rewrite_map(from, dest="")
# lazy workaround to prevent neverending loops/references
return if @map[from]
# check if file is present, get meta data
if not File.exists?(from)
logger.warn("Skipping non-existent #{from} file")
elsif File.directory?(from)
@map[from] = {}
packlist = get_meta(from)["pack"] # adding [splitfn(from)[1]] itself would override renames
# relative dir and basename
dir, fn = splitfn(from) # fpm/ src.rb
# @example
# from = fpm/src.r
# `pack: exe.rb, ../README, foo=bar, test/*`
# @result
# pack[fpm/src.rb] = fpm/exe.rb=>fpm/exe.rb, README=>README, fpm/foo=>fpm/bar, fpm/test/123=>...}
# iterate over listed references
@map[from] = pack = {}
packlist.each do |fnspec|
# specifier can be one of: `src, src=dest, src*, dir/src*=dest/`
src, dest = fnspec.split("=", 2) # dest can be nil (=use src basename), or empty "" (=skip file)
# glob expansion
if src.match(/[\[\{\*\?]/)
src = ::Dir.glob(dir + src)
logger.warn("Nothing matched for '#{fnspec}' in '#{from}'") if src.empty?
src = [dir + src]
# combine with dest, and recursively scan each referenced source file
src.each do |src|
pack[consolidate(src)] = consolidate(dest ? dir+dest : src)
rewrite_map(consolidate(src)) if not @attributes[:src_only?]
end # def rewrite_map
# split dir/name/ from basename
def splitfn(path)
path =~ /\A ((?: .*\/ )?) ([^\/]+) \Z/x
return [$1, $2]
# remove ./ and dir/../ segments
def consolidate(path)
path = path.gsub(/(?<=^|\/)\.\//, "") # strip out "./" self-referenting dirs
path = path.gsub(/(?<=^|\/)(?!\.\.\/)[\w.-]+\/\.\.\//, "") # consolidate "sub/../" relative paths
# Extract meta: key/values from source file
def get_meta(path)
# read file (first 8K would suffice)
src = File.read(path, 1<<13, 0, :encoding=>'ASCII-8BIT')
fields = { "pack" => "" }
# extract first comment block,
if src and src =~ /( \/\*+ .+? \*\/ | (?:[ \t]* \* | \#(?!!) [^\n]*\n)+ )/mix
src = $1.gsub(/^[ \t\*\/\#]+/, "").to_s # does not honor indentation
# split meta block from comment (on first empty line)
src, fields["comment"] = src.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/, 2) # eh, Ruby, Y U NO PROVIDE \R ?
# split key: value fields
src.to_s.scan(/^([\w-]+): [[:blank:]]* ([^\n]* (?:\n (?![\w-]+:) [^\n]+)* )/x).map{ |k,v| [k.downcase, v] }
# use input basename or id: field as package name
fields["id"] = fields["id"] || path.match(/([^\/]+?)(\.\w+)?\Z/)[1]
# split up pack: comma-separated list, don't expand src=dest yet
#p fields
fields["pack"] = fields["pack"].split(/(?<!\\)[,\s]+/)
fields["pack"] = []
return fields
end # def meta
# automatically recurses for and creates subdirectories when copying
def real_copy(src, dest)
if dest[-1] == "/" # trailing slash indicates target dir
dest += splitfn(src)[1] # therefore copy src basename
if File.exists?(src)
FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest)
logger.info("'#{src}' still missing, eh?")
end # class FPM::Package::Src