Cross package maker. DEB/RPM generation or conversion. Derived from jordansissel/fpm.

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Update of "ipk"

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Artifact ID: 0f0030753a072f5f15b6d5206c06374db4618c1e
Page Name:ipk
Date: 2014-12-17 22:18:24
Original User: mario
Next 56d662984d2e2271052fb627e06713c3d1b742f1

### ipk target

IPK is Listallers( cross-distribution packaging format. The `-t ipk` target will build them, similarly to deb/rpm.

This fpm frontend however will just generate static packages.

#### Options

Use `--deb-sign -` to have your main GPG key used for package signing.

The flag `--ipk-relocatable` does almost nothing yet.