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12 check-ins using file lib/fpm/package/src.rb version 35d5f731ae
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12:07 | Add crude Python bdist_wheel generation method. Only tested with singular packages. Hack to relocate single module scripts into pkgname subdir + stub __init__.py. Otherwise relies on -s src or -s dir file relocation. Would require more complete `setup.py` creation to package anything more useful. Leaf check-in: d275f1986b user: mario tags: trunk | |
12:05 | Update notes, no longer using custom etcfiles() scanning; default to --config-files list. check-in: 2a6b544a7a user: mario tags: trunk | |
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22:40 | Retain more attributes: provides=, conflicts=, config_files as backup=, deb_recomends as optdepends=, update_filter as makepkgopt= for arch .PKGINFO check-in: 275407c9b1 user: mario tags: trunk | |
02:17 | Add architecture mapping, limit mode per & 07777. check-in: 32632f2a8d user: mario tags: trunk | |
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23:54 | New `-t arch` output package module. (Arch Linux binary tarballs with .PKGINFO and .MTREE meta files.) check-in: 006fa58cfa user: mario tags: trunk | |
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22:14 | Add --zip-shebang option, useful for making Python zip apps (pyz). check-in: 11e5c12d1d user: mario tags: trunk | |
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18:32 | Add convenience PKG_FLAG variation (uppercase pkg type) for preprocessor usage. check-in: 863ccf8053 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:54 | Workaround for ENV variables never showing up in make Packfile. And only take first entry from :output_type (if it's an -t deb,rpm,zip list). check-in: 732b03f50f user: mario tags: trunk | |
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17:58 | Sufficient amount of commits for a minor bugfix release. check-in: 0acf568fb8 user: mario tags: trunk, v1.3.3.6 | |
15:49 | Even more generalized update filter method using `Packfile` makescripts. check-in: 3dadae671a user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:05 | Add `Source:` control field (because: "mandatory"). check-in: 174e99a253 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:02 | Guard absent meta["comment"]. check-in: e6f0cd3d11 user: mario tags: trunk | |