# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: VHDFunctions.psm1
# description: Here’s several functions for working with VHD’s in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. I’ve been working with PowerShell for about a year and this is my first go at a module. I’m a sysadmin and not a developer so some of my solutions are in that mode of thinking. There’s probably .NET ways to accomplish what I did and I’m certainly open to learning if there’s a better way. I’ve found these functions useful and hopefully someone else out there will too. Enjoy.
# version: 6.1
# type: function
# author: Rich Kusak
# license: CC0
# function: Dismount-VHD
# x-poshcode-id: 1451
# x-archived: 2016-09-28T06:09:21
# x-published: 2010-11-03T07:01:00
Name: VHDFunctions.psm1
Author: Rich Kusak (rkusak@cbcag.edu)
Created: 2009-10-23
LastEdit: 2009-11-03 08:57
Included Functions:
Dismount a VHD file from the system.
This function wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the Diskpart utility.
A Diskpart script is created to automate the dismount (detach) of a VHD file from the system.
Optionally, the VHD file can be deleted following detachment.
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
Removes (deletes) the VHD file after dismounting it.
Supresses the delete confirmation prompt.
.PARAMETER DiskpartScript
Specifies the path location of the Diskpart script file.
Default location is $env:SystemDrive
This file is deleted at the conclusion of the script.
Instructs Diskpart to rescan the system for available storage resources.
Dismount-VHD -Path C:\test.vhd
Dismounts the specified VHD file.
Dismount-VHD -Path C:\test.vhd -Remove
Dismounts the specified VHD file and then deletes it.
Name: Dismount-VHD.ps1
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-10-22
LastEdit: 2009-10-26 11:35
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Dismount-VHD {
param (
[string]$DiskpartScript = "$env:SystemDrive\DiskpartScript.txt",
begin {
function InvokeDiskpart {
Diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript
function RemoveVHD {
switch ($NoConfirm) {
$false {
## Prompt for confirmation to delete the VHD file ##
"" ; Write-Warning "Are you sure you want to delete the file ""$Path""?"
$Prompt = Read-Host "Type ""YES"" to continue or anything else to break"
if ($Prompt -ceq 'YES') {
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force
"" ; Write-Host "VHD ""$Path"" deleted!" ; ""
} else {
"" ; Write-Host "Script terminated without deleting the VHD file." ; ""
$true {
## Confirmation prompt suppressed ##
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force
"" ; Write-Host "VHD ""$Path"" deleted!" ; ""
## Validate Operating System Version ##
if (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -Filter "Version < '6.1'") {throw "The script operation requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2."}
## DiskPart Script Content ## Here-String statement purposefully not indented ##
$(if ($Rescan) {'Rescan'})
Select VDisk File="$Path"`nDetach VDisk
"@ | Out-File -FilePath $DiskpartScript -Encoding ASCII -Force
end {
if ($Remove) {RemoveVHD}
Remove-Item -Path $DiskpartScript -Force ; ""
Export-ModuleMember -Function Dismount-VHD
Initialize a VHD by preparing it for use.
This function wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the Diskpart utility.
A Diskpart script is created to automate initializing a VHD.
The script creates a partition, assigns a drive letter, and formats a mounted VHD.
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
A drive letter to assign to the mounted VHD.
If not specified the system will auto assign the next available drive letter.
A volume label to assign to the mounted VHD.
.PARAMETER DiskpartScript
Specifies the path location of the Diskpart script file.
Default location is $env:SystemDrive
This file is deleted at the conclusion of the script.
Instructs Diskpart to rescan the system for available storage resources.
Initialize-VHD C:\test.vhd X: TestVHD
Initializes the VHD at path C:\test.vhd assign it to drive letter X: and give it the volume label "TestVHD".
Name: Initialize-VHD
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-10-22
LastEdit: 2009-10-26 15:11
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Initialize-VHD {
param (
[string]$DiskpartScript = "$env:SystemDrive\DiskpartScript.txt",
begin {
function InvokeDiskpart {
Diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript
## Validate Operating System Version ##
if (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -Filter "Version < '6.1'") {throw "The script operation requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2."}
## Validate -Drive parameter ##
if ($Drive) {
$Reserved = @('A:','B:','C:')
$Reserved += (Get-WmiObject win32_LogicalDisk -Property DeviceID | ForEach-Object {$_.DeviceID})
switch ($Drive) {
{($_ -notmatch "^[a-z]$") -and ($_ -notmatch "^[a-z]:$")} {throw "The drive letter ""$_"" is invalid."}
{$_ -notmatch ":"} {$Drive += ":"}
{$Reserved -contains $Drive} {throw "The drive letter ""$_"" is reserved."}
if (!$NoConfirm) {
"" ; Write-Warning "The VHD ""$Path"" is about to initialized. Any existing data will be destroyed!`nAre you sure you want to continue?" ; ""
$Prompt = Read-Host "Type ""YES"" to continue or anything else to break"
if ($Prompt -cne 'YES') {Write-Host "Function terminated by user."; "" ; break}
process {
## Diskpart Script Content ## Here-String statement purposefully not indented ##
$(if ($Rescan) {'Rescan'})
Select VDisk File="$Path"
Create Partition Primary
Format Quick FS=NTFS $(if ($Label) {"Label=""$Label"""})
$(if ($Drive) {"Assign Letter=$Drive"} else {'Assign'})
Detail VDisk
"@ | Out-File -FilePath $DiskpartScript -Encoding ASCII -Force
end {
Remove-Item -Path $DiskpartScript -Force ; ""
Write-Host "The VHD ""$Path"" has been successfully initialized." ; ""
Export-ModuleMember -Function Initialize-VHD
Mount a VHD to the system.
This function wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the Diskpart utility.
A Diskpart script is created to automate mounting (attach) a VHD file to the system.
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
.PARAMETER DiskpartScript
Specifies the path location of the Diskpart script file.
Default location is $env:SystemDrive
This file is deleted at the conclusion of the script.
Instructs Diskpart to rescan the system for available storage resources.
Name: Mount-VHD.ps1
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-10-22
LastEdit: 2009-10-26 09:25
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Mount-VHD {
param (
[string]$DiskpartScript = "$env:SystemDrive\DiskpartScript.txt",
begin {
function InvokeDiskpart {
Diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript
## Validate Operating System Version ##
if (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -Filter "Version < '6.1'") {throw "The script operation requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2."}
## Diskpart Script Content ## Here-String statement purposefully not indented ##
$(if ($Rescan) {'Rescan'})
Select VDisk File="$Path"`nAttach VDisk
"@ | Out-File -FilePath $DiskpartScript -Encoding ASCII -Force
end {
Remove-Item -Path $DiskpartScript -Force ; ""
Write-Host "The VHD ""$Path"" has been successfully mounted." ; ""
Export-ModuleMember -Function Mount-VHD
Create a new VHD file.
This function wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the Diskpart utility.
A Diskpart script is created to automate the creation of the VHD.
Optionally, the VHD can be mounted immediately following the creation process.
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
The maximum space allocated for the VHD to use.
Creates a fixed disk VHD file. By default a dynamically expanding VHD file is created.
Mount (attach) the VHD to the system making it available to Windows.
Prepares the VHD for use by partitioning and mounting (attach) the VHD to the system making it available to Windows.
Supresses the maximum validation warning confirmation prompt.
.PARAMETER DiskpartScript
Specifies the path location of the Diskpart script file.
Default location is $env:SystemDrive
This file is deleted at the conclusion of the script.
Instructs Diskpart to rescan the system for available storage resources.
Name: New-VHD
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-05-27
LastEdit: 2009-10-26 10:06
#Requires -Version 2.0
function New-VHD {
param (
[string]$DiskpartScript = "$env:SystemDrive\DiskpartScript.txt",
begin {
function InvokeDiskpart {
Diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript
function TestMaximum {
## Validates the -Maximum parameter against the specified disk's available space ##
$Drive = Split-Path $Path -Qualifier
$LogicalDisk = Get-WmiObject win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID = '$Drive'"
$FreeSpace = [math]::Truncate(($LogicalDisk.FreeSpace)/1MB)
$Percent = [math]::Round(($Maximum/$FreeSpace)*100,0)
switch ($Maximum) {
{$_ -gt 2088960} {throw "The -Maximum parameter value ""$Maximum"" exceeds the allowable VHD size."}
{$_ -ge $FreeSpace -and $Fixed} {throw "The -Maximum parameter value ""$Maximum"" exceeds available disk space."}
{$_ -ge $FreeSpace} {
"" ; Write-Warning "The VHD maximum size exceeds available disk space."
if (!$NoConfirm) {
Write-Host "Are you sure you want to continue?"
$Prompt = Read-Host "Type ""YES"" to continue or anything else to break"
if ($Prompt -cne 'YES') {
"" ; Write-Host "Script terminiated by user." ; ""
{$Percent -ge 80} {
"" ; Write-Warning "The VHD maximum size is $Percent% of the available disk space."
if (!$NoConfirm) {
Write-Host "Are you sure you want to continue?"
$Prompt = Read-Host "Type ""YES"" to continue or anything else to break"
if ($Prompt -cne 'YES') {
"" ; Write-Host "Script terminiated by user." ; ""
## Validate Operating System Version ##
if (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -Filter "Version < '6.1'") {throw "The script operation requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2."}
process {
## Diskpart Script Content ## Here-String statement purposefully not indented ##
$(if ($Rescan) {'Rescan'})
Create VDisk File="$Path" Maximum=$Maximum $(if ($Fixed) {'Type=Fixed'} else {'Type=Expandable'})
$(if ($Mount) {"Select VDisk File=""$Path""`nAttach VDisk"})
"@ | Out-File -FilePath $DiskpartScript -Encoding ASCII -Force
end {
Remove-Item -Path $DiskpartScript -Force ; ""
Write-Host "A new VHD has been created at ""$Path""." ; ""
if ($Mount) {Write-Host "The VHD has been successfully mounted." ; ""}
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VHD
Set the system boot configuration to boot from a VHD.
This function wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the BCDEdit tool.
The Boot Configuration DataStore Editor (BCDEdit) is used to set the necessary
boot configuration entry to optionally boot to a VHD during startup.
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
.PARAMETER Description
Description for the boot configuration entry.
Name: Set-VHDBootConfiguration
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-10-22
LastEdit: 2009-10-26 10:14
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Set-VHDBootConfiguration {
param (
begin {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path -Include "*.vhd")) {throw "The path ""$Path"" is invalid or does not contain a VHD file."}
$Drive = Split-Path -Path $Path -Qualifier
$UnQualifiedPath = Split-Path -Path $Path -NoQualifier
process {
## Use BCDEdit to set the VHD boot configuration entry ##
$Copy = bcdedit /copy '{current}' /d $Description
$CLSID = $Copy | ForEach-Object {$_.Remove(0,37).Replace(".","")}
bcdedit /set $CLSID device vhd=[$Drive]""$UnQualifiedPath""
bcdedit /set $CLSID osdevice vhd=[$Drive]""$UnQualifiedPath""
bcdedit /set $CLSID detecthal on
New-Object PSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Identifier' -Value $CLSID -PassThru |
end {
Write-Host "The VHD ""$Path"" has been prepared for boot operation." ; ""
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VHDBootConfiguration
Test a VHD.
This script wraps the consistancy of PowerShell around the Diskpart utility.
A Diskpart script is created to return the details of the VHD (VDisk).
Specifies the full path to the VHD file.
.PARAMETER DiskpartScript
Specifies the path location of the Diskpart script file.
Default location is $env:SystemDrive
This file is deleted at the conclusion of the script.
Instructs Diskpart to rescan the system for available storage resources.
Name: Test-VHD.ps1
Author: Rich Kusak
Created: 2009-10-23
LastEdit: 2009-11-03 08:55
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Test-VHD {
param (
[string]$DiskpartScript = "$env:SystemDrive\DiskpartScript.txt",
begin {
function InvokeDiskpart {
Diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript
## Validate Operating System Version ##
if (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -Filter "Version < '6.1'") {throw "The script operation requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2."}
## Validate the -Path parameter ##
if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path -Include "*.vhd")) {throw "The path ""$Path"" is not valid or does not contain a VHD file."}
process {
Select VDisk File="$Path"
Detail VDisk
"@ | Out-File -FilePath $DiskpartScript -Encoding ASCII -Force
end {
Remove-Item -Path $DiskpartScript -Force ; ""
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-VHD