# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: HttpRest
# description: An initial implementation of some Http REST cmdlets, as a series of script functions (usable as a script module, just save as a .psm1)
# version: 1.2
# type: module
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Get-Google
# x-poshcode-id: 691
# x-archived: 2013-07-07T15:12:14
# x-published: 2009-11-30T19:55:00
# Documentation on this post on HuddledMasses
## Http Rest
## The first implementation of the HttpRest module, as a bunch of script functions
## Based on the REST api from MindTouch's Dream SDK
## You need log4net.dll mindtouch.core.dll mindtouch.dream.dll and SgmlReaderDll.dll from the SDK
## Download DREAM from http`://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=173074
## Unpack it, and you can find these dlls in the "dist" folder.
## Make sure to put them in the folder with the module.
## For documentation of Dream: http`://wiki.developer.mindtouch.com/Dream
## Usage:
## function Get-Google {
## Invoke-Http GET http`://www.google.com/search @{q=$args} |
## Receive-Http Xml "//h3[@class='r']/a" | Select href, InnerText
## }
## #########################################################################
## function Get-WebFile($url,$cred) {
## Invoke-Http GET $url -auth $cred | Receive-Http File
## }
## #########################################################################
## function Send-Paste {
## PARAM($PastebinURI="http`://posh.jaykul.com/p/",[IO.FileInfo]$file)
## if($_){[IO.FileInfo]$file=$_}
## if($file.Exists) {
## $ofs="`n"
## $result = Invoke-Http POST $PastebinURI @{
## format="posh" # PowerShell
## expiry="d" # (d)ay or (m)onth or (f)orever
## poster=$([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.Split("\")[-1])
## code2="$((gc $file) -replace "http`://","http``://")" # To get past the spam filter.
## paste="Send"
## } -Type FORM_URLENCODED -Wait
## $xml = $result.AsDocument().ToXml()
## write-output $xml.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='highlight']/*").href
## } else { throw "File Not Found" }
## }}
Write-Debug $($MyInvocation.MyCommand | out-string)
$PSScriptRoot=(Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent)
# Write-Debug "Invocation: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)"
# Write-Debug "Invocation: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
# Write-Debug "Invocation: $($MyInvocation)"
Write-Debug "PSScriptRoot: '$PSScriptRoot'"
# This Module depends on MindTouch.Dream
$null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( "$PSScriptRoot\mindtouch.dream.dll" )
# MindTouch.Dream requires: mindtouch.dream.dll, mindtouch.core.dll, SgmlReaderDll.dll, and log4net.dll)
# This Module also depends on utility functions from System.Web
$null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web")
## Some utility functions are defined at the bottom
[uri]$global:url = ""
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$global:HttpRestCredential = $null
function Get-DreamMessage($Content,$Type) {
if(!$Content) {
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok()
if( $Content -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Content )
if(Test-Path $Content -EA "SilentlyContinue") {
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::FromFile((Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $Content)));
if($Type -is [String]) {
$Type = [MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::$Type
if($Type -is [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]) {
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Type, $Content )
} else {
return [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $([MindTouch.Dream.MimeType]::TEXT), $Content )
function Get-DreamPlug {
PARAM ( $Url, [hashtable]$With )
if($Url -is [array]) {
if($Url[0] -is [hashtable]) {
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($global:url)
foreach($param in $url.GetEnumerator()) {
if($param.Value) {
$plug = $plug.At($param.Key,"=$(Encode-Twice $param.Value)")
} else {
$plug = $plug.At($param.Key)
} else {
[URI]$uri = Join-Url $global:url $url
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($uri)
} elseif($url -is [string]) {
[URI]$uri = $url
if(!$uri.IsAbsoluteUri) {
$uri = Join-Url $global:url $url
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($uri)
} else {
$plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New($global:url)
if($with) { foreach($param in $with.GetEnumerator()) {
if($param.Value) {
$plug = $plug.With($param.Key,$param.Value)
} }
return $plug
#CMDLET Receive-Http {
Function Receive-Http {
# [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
# [ValidateSet("Xml", "File", "Text","Bytes")]
# [Alias("As")]
$Output = "Xml"
# [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Result")]
# [Alias("IO")]
# [MindTouch.Dream.Result``1[[MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]]]
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Response")]
# [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]
# $response
if($InputObject) {
Write-Output $inputObject | Receive-Http $Output $Path
} # else they'd better pass it in on the pipeline ...
$response = $null
if($_ -is [MindTouch.Dream.Result``1[[MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]]]) {
$response = $_.Wait()
} elseif($_ -is [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]) {
$response = $_
} elseif($_) {
throw "We can only pipeline [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage] objects, or [MindTouch.Dream.Result`1[DreamMessage]] objects"
if($response) {
Write-Debug $($response | Out-String)
if(!$response.IsSuccessful) {
Write-Error $($response | Out-String)
Write-Verbose $response.AsText()
throw "ERROR: '$($response.Status)' Response Status."
} else {
switch($Output) {
"File" {
## Joel's magic filename guesser ...
if(!$Path) {
[string]$fileName = ([regex]'(?i)filename=(.*)$').Match( $response.Headers["Content-Disposition"] ).Groups[1].Value
$Path = $fileName.trim("\/""'")
if(!$Path) {
$fileName = $response.ResponseUri.Segments[-1]
$Path = $fileName.trim("\/")
if(!([IO.FileInfo]$Path).Extension) {
$Path = $Path + "." + $response.ContentType.Split(";")[0].Split("/")[1]
$File = Get-FileName $Path
[StreamUtil]::CopyToFile( $response.AsStream(), $response.ContentLength, $File )
Get-ChildItem $File
"XDoc" {
if($Path) {
} else {
"Xml" {
if($Path) {
} else {
"Text" {
if($Path) {
$response.AsDocument()[$Path] | % { $_.AsText }
} else {
"Bytes" {
## http`://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html
## Nobody actually uses HEAD or OPTIONS, right?
## And nobody's even heard of TRACE or CONNECT ;)
# CMDLET Invoke-Http {
Function Invoke-Http {
# [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
# [ValidateSet("Post", "Get", "Put", "Delete", "Head", "Options")] ## There are other verbs, but we need a list to make sure you don't screw up
[string]$Verb = "Get"
# [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
# [string]
# [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
# [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
$Type # Of Content
$Verbs = "Post", "Get", "Put", "Delete", "Head", "Options"
if($Verbs -notcontains $Verb) {
Write-Warning "The specified verb '$Verb' is NOT one of the common verbs: $Verbs"
if($Path) {
if($Content) {
Write-Output ($Path | Invoke-Http $Verb -With $With -Content $Content -Type $Type -Authenticate $authenticate -waitForResponse:$WaitForResponse)
} else {
Write-Output ($Path | Invoke-Http $Verb -With $With -Type $Type-Authenticate $authenticate -waitForResponse:$WaitForResponse)
} # else they'd better pass it in on the pipeline ...
if($_) {
$Path = $_
$plug = Get-DreamPlug $Path $With
Write-Verbose "Content Type: $Type"
Write-Verbose "Content: $Content"
## Special Handling for FORM_URLENCODED
if($Type -like "Form*" -and !$Content) {
$dream = [MindTouch.Dream.DreamMessage]::Ok( $Plug.Uri )
$Plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New( $Plug.Uri.SchemeHostPortPath )
Write-Verbose "RECREATED Plug: $($Plug.Uri.SchemeHostPortPath)"
} else {
$dream = Get-DreamMessage $Content $Type
if(!$plug -or !$dream) {
throw "Can't come up with a request!"
Write-Verbose $( $dream | Out-String )
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATE AS $($authenticate.UserName)"
if($authenticate -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($authenticate.UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($authenticate.UserName, ($authenticate.GetNetworkCredential().Password))
} elseif($authenticate -is [System.Net.NetworkCredential]) {
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($authenticate.UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($authenticate.UserName, $authenticate.Password)
} else {
Write-Verbose "AUTHENTICATING AS $($authenticate.UserName)"
$plug = $plug.WithCredentials($global:HttpRestCredential.UserName, $global:HttpRestCredential.Password)
Write-Verbose $plug.Uri
Write-Debug "URI: $($Plug.Uri)"
Write-Debug "Verb: $($Verb.ToUpper())"
Write-Debug $($dream | Out-String)
$result = $plug.InvokeAsync( $Verb.ToUpper(), $dream )
Write-Debug $($result | Out-String)
# if($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") {
# Write-Debug $($result.Wait() | Out-String)
# }
if($waitForResponse) {
$result = $result.Wait()
write-output $result
trap [MindTouch.Dream.DreamResponseException] {
Write-Error @"
TRAPPED DreamResponseException
$($_.Exception.Response | Out-String)
$($_.Exception.Response.Headers | Out-String)
# function Get-Http { return Invoke-Http "GET" @args }
# function New-Http { return Invoke-Http "PUT" @args }
# function Update-Http { return Invoke-Http "POST" @args }
# function Remove-Http { return Invoke-Http "DELETE" @args }
# new-alias Set-Http Update-Http
# new-alias Put-Http New-Http
# new-alias Post-Http Update-Http
# new-alias Delete-Http Remove-Http
function Set-HttpDefaultUrl {
PARAM ([uri]$baseUri=$(Read-Host "Please enter the base Uri for your RESTful web-service"))
$global:url = $baseUri
function Set-HttpCredential {
param($Credential=$(Get-CredentialBetter -Title "Http Authentication Request - $($global:url.Host)" `
-Message "Your login for $($global:url.Host)" `
-Domain $($global:url.Host)) )
if($Credential -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
$global:HttpRestCredential = $Credential
} elseif($Credential -is [System.Net.NetworkCredential]) {
$global:HttpRestCredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Credential.UserName, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.Password)
function Get-HttpCredential([switch]$Secure) {
if(!$global:url) { Set-HttpDefaultUrl }
if(!$global:HttpRestCredential) { Set-HttpCredential }
if(!$Secure) {
return $global:HttpRestCredential.GetNetworkCredential();
} else {
return $global:HttpRestCredential
# function Authenticate-Http {
# PARAM($URL=@("users","authenticate"), $Credential = $(Get-HttpCredential))
# $plug = [MindTouch.Dream.Plug]::New( $global:url )
# $null = $plug.At("users", "authenticate").WithCredentials( $auth.UserName, $auth.Password ).Get()
# }
function Encode-Twice {
return [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( $text ) )
function Join-Url ( [uri]$baseUri=$global:url ) {
$ofs="/";$BaseUrl = ""
if($BaseUri -and $baseUri.AbsoluteUri) {
$BaseUrl = "$($baseUri.AbsoluteUri.Trim('/'))/"
return [URI]"$BaseUrl$([string]::join("/",@($args)).TrimStart('/'))"
function ConvertTo-SecureString {
$result = new-object System.Security.SecureString
foreach($c in $input.ToCharArray()) {
return $result
## Unit-Test Get-FileName ## Should return TRUE
## (Get-FileName C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe) -eq "C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe" -and
## (Get-FileName C:\Windows\Notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\) -eq "C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe" -and
## (Get-FileName WaitFor.exe C:\Windows\System32\WaitForIt.exe) -eq "C:\Windows\System32\WaitForIt.exe" -and
## (Get-FileName -Path C:\Windows\System32\WaitForIt.exe) -eq "C:\Windows\System32\WaitForIt.exe"
function Get-FileName {
param($fileName=$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()), $path)
$fileName = $fileName.trim("\/""'")
## if the $Path has a file name, and it's folder exists:
if($Path -and !(Test-Path $Path -Type Container) -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $path) -Type Container)) {
## if the $Path is just a folder (and it exists)
} elseif($Path -and (Test-Path $path -Type Container)) {
$fileName = Split-Path $fileName -leaf
Join-Path $path $fileName
## If there's no valid $Path, and the $FileName has a folder...
} elseif((Split-Path $fileName) -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $fileName))) {
} else {
Join-Path (Get-Location -PSProvider "FileSystem") (Split-Path $fileName -Leaf)
function Get-UtcTime {
## Get-CredentialBetter
## An improvement over the default cmdlet which has no options ...
## History
## v 1.2 Refactor ShellIds key out to a variable, and wrap lines a bit
## v 1.1 Add -Console switch and set registry values accordingly (ouch)
## v 1.0 Add Title, Message, Domain, and UserName options to the Get-Credential cmdlet
function Get-CredentialBetter{
PARAM([string]$UserName, [string]$Title, [string]$Message, [string]$Domain, [switch]$Console)
$ShellIdKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds"
## Carefully EA=SilentlyContinue because by default it's MISSING, not $False
$cp = (Get-ItemProperty $ShellIdKey ConsolePrompting -ea "SilentlyContinue")
## Compare to $True, because by default it's $null ...
$cp = $cp.ConsolePrompting -eq $True
if($Console -and !$cp) {
Set-ItemProperty $ShellIdKey ConsolePrompting $True
} elseif(!$Console -and $Console.IsPresent -and $cp) {
Set-ItemProperty $ShellIdKey ConsolePrompting $False
## Now call the Host.UI method ... if they don't have one, we'll die, yay.
## BoyScouts: Leave everything better than you found it (I'm tempted to leave it = True)
Set-ItemProperty $ShellIdKey ConsolePrompting $cp
# Export-ModuleMember Invoke-Http, Receive-Http, Set-HttpCredential, Set-HttpDefaultUrl