# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: AD attributes
# description: This ASP page takes an input from a form from a html page. The input is the displayname (or part of a displayname) of an account in Active Directory. It returns a number of fields, but the one I was mainly interested in was the msds-Principalname, which is only available in AD 2008. As we’re not 100% AD 2008, I hard-coded this page to hit a Windows 2008 Domain Controller. I also needed the msds-Principalname field with “winnt://” in front of it, which is why the output loop looks a bit strange.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Paul McDonnell
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3383
# x-archived: 2015-08-31T01:17:28
# x-published: 2012-04-24T08:42:00
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% StartTime = Timer %>
<!--#include file = "global.inc"-->
<head><title><%=strCompany%> - Search List</title>
<!--#include file="default.htm"-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/server/default.css" TYPE="text/css" media="screen">
Dim MyVariable
MyVariable =Replace(MyVariable,"'","''")
'the request.form gets the info within the boxes of the form actioned
'from the previous HTML/ASP
gotname = Request.form("name")
Dim objRootDSE, objConnection, objRecordSet, objCommand
Dim strDomainLDAP, intPage, i, j, strTRbgColor, strTemp
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("GC://RootDSE")
strDomainLDAP = objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
Set objRootDSE = Nothing
response.write("Display Name that was searched for: <h3>" & gotname)
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 10000
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
objCommand.Properties("Size Limit") = 10000
objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT mail, l, title, Displayname, msds-PrincipalName" & _
" FROM 'GC://windows2008DC' WHERE objectCategory='user' AND homemdb='*' AND UserAccountControl='512' AND objectclass='User' AND displayname= '*" & myvariable & "*' ORDER BY Name"
objRecordSet.Open objCommand.CommandText, objConnection,1,1
objRecordSet.PageSize = Cint(RowsPerPage)
If Request.QueryString("page") = "" Then
intPage = 1
intPage = Request.QueryString("page")
End If
If objRecordSet.EOF Then
Response.Write "<h3>No search term entered or search term not found</h3>" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "<center><h3>" & strCompany & " - Searchlist </h3>" & vbCrLf
objRecordSet.AbsolutePage = intPage
Response.Write "<table align=center border=1>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write " <tr align=center>" & vbNewLine
For i = 0 To objRecordSet.Fields.Count - 1
Response.Write " <th>" & objRecordSet.Fields(i).Name & "</th>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
rem Response.Write objRecordSet.RecordCount
For j = 1 To objRecordSet.RecordCount
rem objRecordSet.PageSize
Response.Write " <tr bgColor='"
strTRbgColor = RowOddColor
If j Mod 2 = 0 Then strTRbgColor = RowEvenColor
Response.Write strTRbgColor
If RowMoveColor <> "" Then
Response.Write "' onmouseover=this.bgColor='" & RowMoveColor & "' onmouseout=this.bgColor='" & strTRbgColor
End If
Response.Write "'>" & vbCrLf
If objRecordSet.Fields(0).Value <> "" Then strTemp = objRecordSet.Fields(0).Value
Response.Write " <td>winnt://" & strTemp & "</td>" & vbNewLine
For i = 1 To objRecordSet.Fields.Count - 1
strTemp = "<font color=" & strTRbgColor & ">-</font>"
If objRecordSet.Fields(i).Value <> "" Then strTemp = objRecordSet.Fields(i).Value
Response.Write " <td>" & strTemp & "</td>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write " </tr>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "</table>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<br><br>" & vbNewLine
Set objRecordSet = Nothing
Set objConnection = Nothing
End If
Private Function TrimServerVariable(strString)
Dim temp 'As String
If inStr(strString,"&") <> 0 Then
arr = Split(strString, "&")
strString = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(arr) - 1
temp = Left(arr(i), InStr(arr(i), "="))
If InStr(strString, temp) = 0 Then
strString = strString & arr(i) & "&"
End If
strString = Left(strString, Len(strString) - 1)
End If
TrimServerVariable = strString
End Function
EndTime = Timer
Response.Write "<!-- Page rendered in " & (EndTime-StartTime) & " -->" & vbNewLine