D 2016-11-09T20:27:59.209
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U mario
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Streamtuner2 also runs under Windows. Current versions weren't tested thoroughly.
#### 0install
Simplest option to run it is per **0install** feed however:
* [http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/doc/trunk/dev/0-st2.xml](http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/doc/trunk/dev/0-st2.xml)
Ought to work for Windows, MacOS, and BSD/Linux systems.
#### Exe "installer"
ST2 requires a working Python installation first. That includes Python with Gtk bindings, the requests and pyquery packages.
The available **.exe** installer is really just a self-extracting ZIP. It'll unpack to Unix-style paths `C:/usr/bin/` and `C:/usr/share/streamtuner2`.
* (The exe is actually more suitable now as raw zip/tarball, that just happens to have a wine GUI.)
#### PYZ package
With the new **.pyz** package it's even easier to use ST2 however. So that's now the recommended approach. Simply start it with:
python streamtuner2.pyz
Or rename it to have a **.pyzw** extension, in case your setup already picks that up.
(Again, you need a working Python+Gtk setup first.)
There are probably modern Python distributions for Windows. No idea. It's definitely not something that should be handled on a per-application basis and with PyInstaller embellishments.
#### Manual installation of Python 2.7
[Oliver found](https://sourceforge.net/p/streamtuner2/discussion/1173108/thread/2a060ed4/?limit=25) a dependable recommendation for using Python 2 in this discussion about PyGtk and PyGObject:
It may be outdated, since it's from the year 2012.
* So I built my environment for Windows 7 with the following components: (not sure if it would also run on Windows XP, I remember having read some restrictions about XP). I will also test it on Windows 10 later...
* Install python-2.7.12.msi from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ (should be 32-Bit according to README in http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.24/)
* Install pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.2.win32-py2.7.msi from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.24/
* Install requests via "easy_install.exe requests" from the Python scripts path
* Install lxml-2.3.win32-py2.7.exe from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/2.3
* Install pyquery-1.2.17-py2.py3-none-any.whl from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyquery/1.2.17 via "pip install [Path]pyquery-1.2.17-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
* Install PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7.exe from http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
#### Manual installation of Python 3.4
Python 3.4 and the newer PyGI (Gtk3) might also work meanwhile.
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