# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: Dirble
# description: Song history tracker for Internet radio stations.
# url: http://dirble.com/
# version: 2.2
# type: channel
# category: radio
# config:
# { name: dirble_api_key, value: "", type: text, description: Alternative API access key., hidden: 1 }
# png:
# jMTEWEiDD0wETNSIxJC46yqEsCz7ve4di28hOO2cMzNnzqH+azcBACAiAgQg1EsAQESwCYBA
# pwCxNowjI1v7YGLH0Y5iSQFhJEprYjZxtG13+/lCb2dOWxBBABiTrJSLkx8+z/xa0yRutml4
# sC9X+qqJyFqTzTcPDfTup2p5NSTFSintOFmvZ7iv687Dl8/ezufaGgcHT2enKjpdbxMbRcnr
# x09uT36JfJ9FWLtnCoWxkRM3Ris/F//Mlpce3LtvSsW6BhAxs5VgtVqtxUaJQCqPnr4ItXfr
# Uve5fVM/PpbZzXgNniYCEaUs1spxdKIdBUvEsr4282nu29nuowdbmov2ytXRxukJBhGwwRCI
# 1F9pRbSjlytheTnY3t6iHCcMo9BYxtai1AymjSlRbII4YUcRAQQiMKWO0Vbahk2An3H9jJvU
# IhEQCKD/TiJiZsXEzMxMYSy78rnOVvf34lISJ8R1pwGqpyCJkvUgCiyziFjJ5Fv7Tx5r07WJ
# udJajRVDAI30TUQilG1qPry3I/Y9BThubmigb+R4x8L0m1fz5Ti3h0QE0ClcQCA+dflCz0VD
# RKwUE5mgOvtu8u7z9wsVsyPPrBxfayqMjVtrMrmmI4f27swqkVS+GGMqy39nvy+W1uGxKL+h
# priority: optional
# documentation: http://dirble.com/developer/api
# Dirble is a user-contributed list of radio stations,
# auot-updating song titles and station information.
# Homepages are there now, and thus favicons readily
# available. Extra station banners aren't fetched.
# It provides a JSON API. Which in this newer version
# is actually speedier, as it doesn't strictly impose
# pagination roundtrips anymore.
# Response times are fixed now by overriding the HTTP
# encoding. (A python-requests issue mostly).
import json
from config import *
from channels import *
import ahttp
# Dirble
# Hmm ok, the new v2 API isn't so bad after all.
# It actually contains streaming urls, and even
# station homepages now.
# · No idea what status: or timedout: mean,
# just mapped to `deleted` and `status`
# · Stream alternatives are meanwhile scanned
# for "best" format+bitrate combinations.
# · Leave favicons to regular behaviour,
# station banners are not accessible per CDN.
class dirble (ChannelPlugin):
# control flags
has_search = False
listformat = "srv"
titles = dict(listeners=False, playing="Location")
base = "http://api.dirble.com/v2/{}"
key = "a0bdd7b8efc2f5d1ebdf1728b65a07ece4c73de5"
# Retrieve cat list and map
def update_categories(self):
cats = []
for row in self.api("categories/tree"):
cats += [row["title"]]
self.catmap[row["title"]] = row["id"]
if row.get("children"):
cats += [[c["title"] for c in row["children"]]]
for c in row["children"]:
self.catmap[c["title"]] = c["id"]
self.categories = cats
# Fetch entries
def update_streams(self, cat, search=None):
return [
for r in
self.api("category/{}/stations".format(self.catmap.get(cat, 0)), all=1)# per_page=200 won't work
# Extract rows
def unpack(self, r):
# find stream
if len(r.get("streams", [])):
# compare against first entry
s = r["streams"][0]
# select "best" stream if there are alternatives
if len(r["streams"]) > 0:
for alt in r["streams"]:
# set defaults
if not alt.get("content_type"):
alt["content_type"] = "?"
if not alt.get("bitrate"):
alt["bitrate"] = 16
alt["content_type"] = alt["content_type"].strip() # There's a "\r\n" in nearly every entry :?
# weight format with bitrate
cur_q = self.format_q.get( s["content_type"], "0.9") \
* s.get("bitrate", 32)
alt_q = self.format_q.get(alt["content_type"], "0.9") \
* alt.get("bitrate", 32)
# swap out for overall better score
if alt_q > cur_q:
s = alt
# fix absent audio type
if not s.get("content_type") or len(s["content_type"]) < 7:
s["content_type"] = "audio/mpeg"
return {}
# rename fields
return dict(
genre = " ".join(c["slug"] for c in r["categories"]),
title = r["name"],
playing = "{} {}".format(r.get("country"), r.get("description", "")),
homepage = ahttp.fix_url(r["website"]),
url = s["stream"],
format = s["content_type"],
bitrate = s["bitrate"],
# img = r["image"]["image"]["thumb"]["url"], # CDN HTTPS trip up requests.get
state = self.state_map.get(int(s["status"]), ""),
deleted = s.get("timedout", False),
# Streams contain a `status`, here mapped onto arbitrary Gtk icons
state_map = {0:"gtk-media-pause", 1:"gtk-media-next", 2:"gtk-media-rewind"}
# Weighting bitrate and audio format for alternative stream URLs
format_q = {"?":0.75, "audio/mpeg":1.0, "audio/aac":1.25, "audio/aacp":1.35, "audio/ogg":1.50}
# Patch API url together, send request, decode JSON list
def api(self, method, **params):
params["token"] = conf.dirble_api_key or self.key
# HTTP request and JSON decoding take a while
r = ahttp.get(self.base.format(method), params, encoding="utf-8")
r = json.loads(r)
if isinstance(r, dict) and "error" in r:
raise Exception
# cut down stream list
if len(r) > int(conf.max_streams):
del r[int(conf.max_streams):]
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("Dirble API retrieval failure:", e)
r = []
return r