# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: class
# category: ui
# title: Channel plugins
# description: Base implementation for channels and feature plugins
# version: 1.6
# license: public domain
# author: mario
# url: http://fossil.include-once.org/streamtuner2/
# pack:
# bookmarks.py, configwin.py, dirble.py, dnd.py, exportcat.py,
# filtermusic.py, global_key.py, history.py, internet_radio.py,
# itunes.py, jamendo.py, links.py, live365.py, modarchive.py,
# myoggradio.py, pluginmanager2.py, radiobrowser.py, radionomy.py,
# radiotray.py, search.py, shoutcast.py, somafm.py, streamedit.py,
# surfmusik.py, timer.py, tunein.py, ubuntuusers.py, youtube.py,
# useragentswitcher.py, xiph.py, favicon.py, filter_bitrate.py,
# ui_cht.py
# config: -
# priority: core
# GenericChannel implements the basic GUI functions and defines
# the default channel data structure. It implements fallback logic
# for all other channel implementations. Only `bookmarks` uses it
# directly.
# All other plugins don't have a pre-defined Notebook tab in the
# GtkBuilder description. They derive from ChannelPlugins therefore,
# which constructs and registers the required gtk widgets manually.
import gtk
from uikit import uikit, ver as gtk_ver
from config import *
from compat2and3 import *
import ahttp
import action
import os.path
import xml.sax.saxutils
import re
import copy
import inspect
# Only export plugin classes and a few utility functions
__all__ = [
"GenericChannel", "ChannelPlugin", "use_rx", "mime_fmt",
"entity_decode", "strip_tags", "nl", "unhtml", "to_int"
__path__.insert(0, conf.dir + "/plugins")
# Generic channel module
class GenericChannel(object):
# control attributes
meta = { "config": [] }
base_url = ""
listformat = "pls"
audioformat = "audio/mpeg" # fallback value
has_search = False
# Categories
categories = [] # Category names or subcategory groups in [] lists
catmap = {} # Map category names to channel/service-internal ids
shown = None # Just a state flag for .first_show() now
# Stream list
streams = {} # Station list dict, associates each genre to a list of stream rows
# Gtk widgets
gtk_list = None # Gtk widget for station treeview
gtk_cat = None # Gtk widget for category columns
ls = None # ListStore for station treeview
rowmap = None # Preserve streams-datamap
pix_entry = None # ListStore entry that contains favicon
img_resize = None # Rescale `img` references to icon size
fixed_size = [24,24] # Default height+width for favicons
parent = None # reference to main window
# mapping of stream{} data into gtk treeview/treestore representation
datamap = [
# coltitle width [ datasrc key, type, renderer, attrs ] [cellrenderer2], ...
["", 20, ["state", str, "pixbuf", {}], ],
["Genre", 65, ['genre', str, "t", {}], ],
["Station Title",275, ["title", str, "text", {"strikethrough":11, "cell-background":12, "cell-background-set":13}], ["favicon", gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, "pixbuf", {}], ],
["Now Playing", 185, ["playing", str, "text", {"strikethrough":11}], ], #{"width":20, "expand":False}
["Listeners", 45, ["listeners", int, "t", {"strikethrough":11}], ],
#["Max", 45, ["max", int, "t", {}], ],
["Bitrate", 35, ["bitrate", int, "t", {}], ],
["Homepage", 160, ["homepage", str, "t", {"underline":10}], ],
[False, 25, ["url", str, "t", {"strikethrough":11}], ],
[False, 20, ["format", str, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["favourite", bool, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["deleted", bool, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["search_col", str, None, {}], ],
[False, 0, ["search_set", bool, None, {}], ],
rowmap = [] # [state,genre,title,...] field enumeration still needed separately
titles = {} # For easier adapting of column titles in datamap
# For empty grouping / categories
placeholder = [dict(state="gtk-info", genre="./.", title="Subcategory placeholder", playing="./.", url="none:", listeners=0, bitrate=0, homepage="")]
empty_stub = [dict(state="gtk-dialog-error", genre="./.", title="No categories found (website error)", playing="Try Channel→Reload Categories later..", url="none:", listeners=0, bitrate=0, homepage="")]
nothing_found = [dict(state="gtk-no", genre="./.", title="No contents found on directory server", playing="Notice", listeners=0, bitrate=0)]
# Title to homepage regex
rx_www_url = re.compile("""(www(\.\w+[\w-]+){2,}|(\w+[\w-]+[ ]?\.)+(com|FM|net|org|de|PL|fr|uk))""", re.I)
# Hooks for station list updating
prepare_filters = [] # run prior columns() display
postprocess_filters = [] # called after update_streams()
# Keep track of currently selected genre/category
__current = None
def current(self):
return self.__current
def current(self, newcat):
log.PROC("{}.current:={} ← from {}".format(self.module, newcat, [inspect.stack()[x][3] for x in range(1,4)]))
self.__current = newcat
return self.__current
#--------------------------- initialization --------------------------------
# constructor
def __init__(self, parent=None):
#self.streams = {}
self.gtk_list = None
self.gtk_cat = None
self.module = self.__class__.__name__
self.meta = plugin_meta(src = inspect.getcomments(inspect.getmodule(self)))
self.config = self.meta.get("config", [])
self.title = self.meta.get("title", self.module)
# add default options values to config.conf.* dict
conf.add_plugin_defaults(self.meta, self.module)
# extra init function
if hasattr(self, "init2"):
if hasattr(self, "resolve_urn"):
action.handler["urn:%s" % self.module] = self.resolve_urn
# Only if streamtuner2 is run in graphical mode
if (parent):
# Update/display stream processors
if not self.prepare_filters:
self.prepare_filters += [
if not self.postprocess_filters:
self.postprocess_filters += [
# Load cache, instantiate Gtk widgets
# Stub for ST2 main window / dispatcher
self.parent = stub_parent(None)
# initialize Gtk widgets / data objects
def gui(self, parent):
# save reference to main window/glade API
self.parent = parent
self.gtk_list = parent.get_widget(self.module+"_list")
self.gtk_cat = parent.get_widget(self.module+"_cat")
# last category, and prepare genre tree
self.current = conf.state(self.module).get("current")
# update column names
for field,title in list(self.titles.items()):
self.update_datamap(field, title=title)
# Initialize stations TreeView
# add to main menu
uikit.add_menu([parent.channelmenuitems], self.meta["title"], lambda w: parent.channel_switch_by_name(self.module) or 1)
# Just wraps uikit.columns() to retain liststore, rowmap and pix_entry
def columns(self, entries=None):
self.ls, self.rowmap, self.pix_entry = uikit.columns(
self.gtk_list, self.datamap, entries,
show_favicons=True, fixed_size=self.fixed_size
# no longer using `conf.show_favicons`
# Statusbar stub (defers to parent/main window, if in GUI mode)
def status(self, *args, **kw):
if self.parent: self.parent.status(*args, **kw)
else: log.INFO("status():", *v)
#--------------------- streams/model data accesss ---------------------------
# Traverse category TreeModel to set current, expand parent nodes
def select_current(self, name):
log.UI("reselect .current category in treelist:", name)
model = self.gtk_cat.get_model()
# [Gtk3] Warning: g_object_ref_sink: assertion 'object->ref_count >= 1' failed
# ERROR:../../gi/pygobject.c:688:pygobject_register_wrapper: assertion failed: (gself->obj->ref_count >= 1)
iter = model.get_iter_first()
self.iter_cats(name, model, iter)
# Iterate over children to find current category
def iter_cats(self, name, model, iter):
while iter:
val = model.get_value(iter, 0)
if val == name:
#log.UI("FOUND CATEGORY", name, "→select")
self.gtk_cat.scroll_to_cell(model.get_path(iter), None)
return True
if model.iter_has_child(iter):
found = self.iter_cats(name, model, model.iter_children(iter))
if found:
self.gtk_cat.expand_row(model.get_path(iter), 0)
return True
iter = model.iter_next(iter)
# Selected category (current state from Gtk TreeModel)
def currentcat(self):
(model, iter) = self.gtk_cat.get_selection().get_selected()
if (type(iter) == gtk.TreeIter):
self.current = model.get_value(iter, 0)
return self.current
# Get list of stations in current category
def stations(self):
return self.streams.get(self.current, [])
# Convert ListStore iter to row number
def rowno(self):
(model, iter) = self.model_iter()
return model.get_path(iter)[0]
# Return ListStore object and Iterator for currently selected row in gtk.TreeView station list
def model_iter(self):
return self.gtk_list.get_selection().get_selected()
# Currently selected entry in stations list, return complete data dict
def row(self):
row = self.stations() [ self.rowno() ]
# resolve stream url for some plugins
if row.get("url", "urn:x-streamtuner2:no").startswith("urn:"):
self.status("Resolving actual stream URL for `%s`" % row["url"], timeout=2)
# most urn: handlers update `row` - some return a new value - which is handled in action.run_fmt_url() however
action.resolve_urn(row) # row = ..() or row
return row
# Fetches a single varname from currently selected station entry
def selected(self, name="url"):
return self.row().get(name)
# Inject status icon into currently selected row (used by main.bookmark() call)
def row_icon(self, gtkIcon = gtk.STOCK_ABOUT):
# Updates gtk_list store, set icon in current display.
# Since it is used by bookmarks, would be reshown with next display() anyhow,
# and there's no need to invalidate the ls cache, because that's referenced by model anyhow.
(model,iter) = self.model_iter()
model.set_value(iter, 0, gtkIcon)
except Exception as e:
log.ERR_UIKIT("Couldn't set row_icon()", e)
#------------------------ base implementations -----------------------------
# Read previous channel/stream data, if there's any
def cache(self):
# stream list
cache = conf.load("cache/" + self.module)
if (cache):
self.streams = cache
# categories
cache = conf.load("cache/categories_" + self.module)
if (cache):
self.categories = cache
# catmap (optional)
cache = conf.load("cache/catmap_" + self.module)
if (cache):
self.catmap = cache
# Store current streams data
def save(self):
conf.save("cache/" + self.module, self.streams, gz=1)
# Create private copy of .datamap and modify entries (title= rewrites)
def update_datamap(self, search="name", title=None):
if self.datamap == GenericChannel.datamap:
self.datamap = copy.deepcopy(self.datamap)
for i,row in enumerate(self.datamap):
if row[2][0] == search:
row[0] = title
# Reload current station list
def reload(self):
self.load(self.current, force=1)
def switch(self):
self.load(self.current, force=0)
# Update streams pane if currently selected (used by bookmarks.links channel)
def reload_if_current(self, category):
if self.current == category:
# Called on switching genre/category, or loading a genre for the first time.
# Either fetches new stream data, or displays list from cache.
def load(self, category, force=False, y=None):
# called to early
if not category:
self.current = category
do_save = False
# get data from cache or download
if force or not category in self.streams:
log.PROC("load", "update_streams")
self.status("Updating streams...")
if category == "empty":
new_streams = self.empty_stub
new_streams = self.update_streams(category)
# Postprocess new list of streams (e.g. assert existing title and url)
if new_streams:
new_streams = self.postprocess(new_streams)
do_save = True
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("Updating new streams, postprocessing failed:", e)
# don't lose forgotten streams
if conf.retain_deleted:
self.streams[category] = new_streams + self.deleted_streams(new_streams, self.streams.get(category,[]))
self.streams[category] = new_streams
# parse error
self.status("Category parsed empty.")
self.streams[category] = self.nothing_found
log.INFO("Oooops, parser returned nothing for category " + category)
# Update treeview/model (if category is still selected)
if self.current == category:
log.UI("load() → uikit.columns({}.streams[{}])".format(self.module, category), [inspect.stack()[x][3] for x in range(1,5)])
uikit.do(self.columns, self.prepare(self.streams[category]))
if y:
uikit.do(self.gtk_list.scroll_to_point, 0, y + 1) # scroll to previous position, +1 px, because
# somehow Gtk.TreeView else stumbles over itself when scrolling to the same position the 2nd time
# save in cache
if do_save:
# unset statusbar
# Called occasionally (by some plugins) while updating station list
def update_streams_partially_done(self, entries):
if gtk_ver == 3 and not conf.nothreads:
else: # kills Gtk3 too easily
uikit.do(self.columns, entries)
# Prepare stream list for display (called immediataly before .columns() refreshing)
def prepare(self, streams):
for f in self.prepare_filters:
map(f, streams)
return streams
# state icon: bookmark star, or deleted mark
def prepare_filter_icons(self, row):
if conf.show_bookmarks:
# and "bookmarks" in self.parent.channels:
row["favourite"] = self.parent.bookmarks.is_in(row.get("url", "file:///tmp/none"))
# this should really go into bookmarks plugin itself,
# disadvantage: would decelerate processing loop further
if not row.get("state"):
if row.get("url", "").find(" ") > 0:
row["state"] = gtk.STOCK_UNINDENT
if row.get("favourite"):
row["state"] = gtk.STOCK_ABOUT
if row.get("deleted"):
row["state"] = gtk.STOCK_DELETE
# Stream list cleanup - invoked directly after reload(),
# callbacks can remove entries, or just update fields.
def postprocess(self, streams):
for f in self.postprocess_filters:
streams = [row for row in streams if f(row, self)]
return streams
# Filter entries without title or url
def postprocess_filter_required_fields(self, row, channel):
return not len(set(["", None]) & set([row.get("title"), row.get("url")]))
# Deduce homepage URLs from title
# by looking for www.xyz.com domain names
def postprocess_filter_homepage(self, row, channel):
if not row.get("homepage"):
url = self.rx_www_url.search(row.get("title", ""))
if url:
url = url.group(0).lower().replace(" ", "")
url = (url if url.find("www.") == 0 else "www."+url)
row["homepage"] = ahttp.fix_url(url)
return True
# Finds differences in new/old streamlist, marks deleted with flag
def deleted_streams(self, new, old):
diff = []
new = [row.get("url","http://example.com/") for row in new]
for row in old:
if ("url" in row and (row.get("url") not in new)):
row["deleted"] = 1
return diff
# sets updating progress bar for .update_streams or .reload_categores
def progress(self, max, i=None):
if not max:
self.progress_state = 1
if isinstance(max, (list, dict)):
max = len(max)
if not i:
i = self.progress_state
self.status( float(int(i)) / (float(int(max)) + 1.5) )
self.progress_state = self.progress_state + 1
progress_state = 1
# Display .current category, once notebook/channel tab is first opened
def first_show(self):
# Already processed
if (self.shown == 55555):
log.PROC(self.module, "→ first_show()", ", current=", self.current, ", categories=", len(self.categories))
# if category tree is empty, initialize it
if not self.categories:
log.PROC(self.module, "→ first_show() → reload_categories()");
log.ERR("HTTP error or extraction failure.")
self.categories = ["empty"]
# Select first category
if not self.current:
log.STAT(self.module, "→ first_show(); use first category as current =", self.current)
self.current = self.str_from_struct(self.categories) or None
# put selection/cursor on last position
if True:
uikit.do(self.select_current, self.current)
# Show current category in any case
log.UI(self.module, "→ first_show(); station list → load(", self.current, ")")
# Invoke only once
self.shown = 55555
# Retrieve first list value, or key from dict (-- used to get first category on init)
def str_from_struct(self, d):
if isinstance(d, (str)):
return d
elif isinstance(d, (dict)):
return self.str_from_struct(d.keys()) or self.str_from_struct(d.values())
elif isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
return d[0] if len(d) else None
# Update categories, save, and display
def reload_categories(self):
# get data and save
if self.categories:
conf.save("cache/categories_"+self.module, self.categories)
if self.catmap:
conf.save("cache/catmap_" + self.module, self.catmap);
# display outside of this non-main thread
# Refresh category treeview
def display_categories(self):
log.UI("{}.display_categories(), uikit.tree(#{}), expand_all(#<20), select_current(={})".format(self.module, len(self.categories), self.current))
# rebuild gtk.TreeView
uikit.tree(self.gtk_cat, self.categories, title="Category", icon=gtk.STOCK_OPEN)
# if it's a short list of categories, there's probably subfolders
if len(self.categories) < 20:
# Select last .current or any first element
if self.current:
uikit.do(self.select_current, self.current)
#else: self.gtk_cat.get_selection().select_path("0") #set_cursor
# Insert/append new station rows - used by importing/drag'n'drop plugins
def insert_rows(self, rows, y=None):
streams = self.streams[self.current]
tv = self.gtk_list
# Inserting at correct row requires deducing index from dnd `y` position
if y is not None:
i_pos = (tv.get_path_at_pos(10, y) or [[len(streams) + 1]])[0][0]
for row in rows:
streams.insert(i_pos - 1, row)
i_pos = i_pos + 1
streams += rows
# Now appending to the liststore directly would be even nicer
y = int(tv.get_vadjustment().get_value())
self.load(self.current, y=y)
#--------------------------- actions ---------------------------------
# Invoke action.play() for current station.
# Can be overridden to provide channel-specific "play" alternative
def play(self):
row = self.row()
if row and "url" in row:
# playlist and audio type
audioformat = row.get("format", self.audioformat)
listformat = row.get("listformat", self.listformat)
# invoke audio player
action.play(row, audioformat, listformat)
self.status("No station selected for playing.")
return row
# Start streamripper/youtube-dl/etc
def record(self):
row = self.row()
if row and "url" in row:
audioformat = row.get("format", self.audioformat)
listformat = row.get("listformat", self.listformat)
action.record(row, audioformat, listformat)
return row
# channel plugin without glade-pre-defined notebook tab
class ChannelPlugin(GenericChannel):
module = "abstract"
def gui(self, parent):
if not parent:
module = self.__class__.__name__
# two panes
vbox = gtk.HPaned()
# category treeview
sw1 = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
sw1.set_property("width_request", 150)
tv1 = gtk.TreeView()
tv1.set_property("width_request", 75)
tv1.set_property("enable_tree_lines", True)
uikit.tree_column(tv1, "Category")
tv1.connect("button_release_event", parent.on_category_clicked)
vbox.pack1(sw1, resize=False, shrink=True)
# stream list
sw2 = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
tv2 = gtk.TreeView()
tv2.set_property("width_request", 200)
tv2.set_property("enable_tree_lines", True)
tv2.connect("row_activated", parent.on_play_clicked)
vbox.pack2(sw2, resize=True, shrink=True)
# prepare label
pixbuf = None
if "png" in self.meta:
pixbuf = uikit.pixbuf(self.meta["png"])
png = get_data("channels/" + self.module + ".png")
pixbuf = uikit.pixbuf(png)
if pixbuf:
icon = gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
icon = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIRECTORY, size=1)
label = gtk.HBox()
label.pack_start(icon, expand=False, fill=True)
l = gtk.Label(self.meta.get("title", self.module))
if self.meta.get("color"):
l = uikit.bg(l, self.meta["color"])
label.pack_start(l, expand=True, fill=True)
# pack it into an event container to catch double-clicks
ev_label = gtk.EventBox()
ev_label.connect('event', parent.on_homepage_channel_clicked)
plain_label = gtk.Label(self.module)
# to widgets
self.gtk_cat = tv1
parent.widgets[module + "_cat"] = tv1
self.gtk_list = tv2
parent.widgets[module + "_list"] = tv2
parent.widgets["v_" + module] = vbox
parent.widgets["c_" + module] = ev_label
tv2.connect('button-press-event', parent.station_context_menu)
# try to initialize superclass now, before adding to channel tabs
GenericChannel.gui(self, parent)
# add notebook tab
tab = parent.notebook_channels.insert_page_menu(vbox, ev_label, plain_label, -1)
parent.notebook_channels.set_tab_reorderable(vbox, True)
# WORKAROUND for direct channel module imports,
# eases instantiations without GUI a little,
# reducing module dependencies (conf. / ahttp. / channels. / parent.) would be better
def stub_parent(object):
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return lambda *x: None
def status(self, *x):
# Decorator
def use_rx(func):
def try_both(*args, **kwargs):
for method, use_rx in [("RX", not conf.pyquery), ("PQ", conf.pyquery)]:
return func(*args, use_rx=not conf.pyquery, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
log.ERR("{} extraction failed:".format(method), e)
return []
return try_both
#---------------- utility functions -------------------
# Used by raw page extraction in channel modules
# Strip html <tags> from string
def strip_tags(s):
return re.sub("<.+?>", "", s)
# remove SGML/XML entities
def entity_decode(str):
return re.sub('&(#?(x?))(\w+);', _entity, str)
def _entity(sym):
num, hex, name = sym.groups()
if hex:
return unichr(int(name, base=16))
elif num:
return unichr(int(name))
return unichr(htmlentitydefs_n2cp[name])
# Nay for the Py3 raft
htmlentitydefs_n2cp = {'aring': 229, 'gt': 62, 'sup': 8835, 'Ntilde': 209, 'upsih': 978, 'Yacute': 221,
'Atilde': 195, 'radic': 8730, 'otimes': 8855, 'aelig': 230, 'Psi': 936, 'Uuml': 220, 'Epsilon': 917, 'Icirc':
206, 'Eacute': 201, 'Lambda': 923, 'Prime': 8243, 'Kappa': 922, 'sigmaf': 962, 'lrm': 8206, 'cedil': 184,
'kappa': 954, 'AElig': 198, 'prime': 8242, 'Tau': 932, 'lceil': 8968, 'dArr': 8659, 'ge': 8805, 'sdot': 8901,
'lfloor': 8970, 'lArr': 8656, 'Auml': 196, 'brvbar': 166, 'Otilde': 213, 'Theta': 920, 'Pi': 928, 'OElig': 338,
'Scaron': 352, 'egrave': 232, 'sub': 8834, 'iexcl': 161, 'ordf': 170, 'sum': 8721, 'ntilde': 241, 'atilde':
227, 'theta': 952, 'nsub': 8836, 'hArr': 8660, 'Oslash': 216, 'THORN': 222, 'yuml': 255, 'Mu': 924, 'thinsp':
8201, 'ecirc': 234, 'bdquo': 8222, 'Aring': 197, 'nabla': 8711, 'permil': 8240, 'Ugrave': 217, 'eta': 951,
'Agrave': 192, 'forall': 8704, 'eth': 240, 'rceil': 8969, 'iuml': 239, 'Egrave': 200, 'divide': 247, 'igrave':
236, 'otilde': 245, 'pound': 163, 'frasl': 8260, 'ETH': 208, 'lowast': 8727, 'chi': 967, 'Aacute': 193, 'cent':
162, 'Beta': 914, 'perp': 8869, 'there4': 8756, 'pi': 960, 'empty': 8709, 'euml': 235, 'notin': 8713, 'uuml':
252, 'icirc': 238, 'bull': 8226, 'upsilon': 965, 'Oacute': 211, 'ensp': 8194, 'ccedil': 231, 'cap': 8745, 'mu':
956, 'deg': 176, 'tau': 964, 'emsp': 8195, 'hellip': 8230, 'ucirc': 251, 'ugrave': 249, 'cong': 8773, 'Iota':
921, 'quot': 34, 'rarr': 8594, 'Rho': 929, 'uacute': 250, 'acirc': 226, 'sim': 8764, 'phi': 966, 'diams': 9830,
'Euml': 203, 'Ccedil': 199, 'Eta': 919, 'Gamma': 915, 'euro': 8364, 'thetasym': 977, 'sect': 167, 'ldquo':
8220, 'hearts': 9829, 'oacute': 243, 'zwnj': 8204, 'yen': 165, 'ograve': 242, 'Chi': 935, 'trade': 8482, 'xi':
958, 'nbsp': 160, 'tilde': 732, 'lsaquo': 8249, 'oelig': 339, 'equiv': 8801, 'le': 8804, 'auml': 228, 'cup':
8746, 'Yuml': 376, 'lt': 60, 'Upsilon': 933, 'ndash': 8211, 'yacute': 253, 'real': 8476, 'psi': 968, 'rsaquo':
8250, 'darr': 8595, 'Alpha': 913, 'not': 172, 'amp': 38, 'oslash': 248, 'acute': 180, 'zwj': 8205, 'laquo':
171, 'rdquo': 8221, 'Igrave': 204, 'micro': 181, 'shy': 173, 'supe': 8839, 'szlig': 223, 'clubs': 9827,
'agrave': 224, 'Ocirc': 212, 'harr': 8596, 'larr': 8592, 'frac12': 189, 'prop': 8733, 'circ': 710, 'ocirc':
244, 'asymp': 8776, 'uml': 168, 'prod': 8719, 'reg': 174, 'rlm': 8207, 'infin': 8734, 'Sigma': 931, 'mdash':
8212, 'uarr': 8593, 'times': 215, 'rArr': 8658, 'or': 8744, 'gamma': 947, 'lambda': 955, 'rang': 9002, 'sup3':
179, 'dagger': 8224, 'Ouml': 214, 'image': 8465, 'alefsym': 8501, 'sube': 8838, 'alpha': 945, 'Nu': 925,
'plusmn': 177, 'sup1': 185, 'sup2': 178, 'frac34': 190, 'oline': 8254, 'Delta': 916, 'loz': 9674, 'iota': 953,
'iacute': 237, 'para': 182, 'ordm': 186, 'epsilon': 949, 'weierp': 8472, 'part': 8706, 'delta': 948, 'omicron':
959, 'copy': 169, 'Iuml': 207, 'Xi': 926, 'Dagger': 8225, 'Ograve': 210, 'Ucirc': 219, 'scaron': 353, 'lsquo':
8216, 'isin': 8712, 'Zeta': 918, 'minus': 8722, 'and': 8743, 'ang': 8736, 'curren': 164, 'int': 8747, 'rfloor':
8971, 'crarr': 8629, 'exist': 8707, 'oplus': 8853, 'Acirc': 194, 'piv': 982, 'ni': 8715, 'Phi': 934, 'Iacute':
205, 'Uacute': 218, 'Omicron': 927, 'ne': 8800, 'iquest': 191, 'sbquo': 8218, 'Ecirc': 202, 'zeta': 950,
'Omega': 937, 'nu': 957, 'macr': 175, 'frac14': 188, 'aacute': 225, 'uArr': 8657, 'beta': 946, 'fnof': 402,
'rho': 961, 'eacute': 233, 'omega': 969, 'middot': 183, 'lang': 9001, 'spades': 9824, 'rsquo': 8217, 'thorn':
254, 'ouml': 246, 'raquo': 187, 'sigma': 963, 'apos': 39}
# Extracts integer from string
def to_int(s):
i = re.findall("\d+", s) or [0]
return int(i[0])
# Strip newlines
rx_spc = re.compile("\s+")
def nl(str):
return rx_spc.sub(" ", str).strip()
# Combine html tag, escapes and whitespace cleanup
def unhtml(str):
return nl(entity_decode(strip_tags(str)))
# Convert audio format nick/shortnames to mime types, e.g. "OGG" to "audio/ogg"
# (only used by few plugin meanwhile, could be merged with action. module now)
def mime_fmt(s):
# clean string
s = s.lower().strip()
# rename
map = {
"audio/mp3":"audio/mpeg", # Note the real mime type is /mpeg, but /mp3 is more understandable in the GUI
"ogg":"ogg", "ogm":"ogg", "xiph":"ogg", "vorbis":"ogg", "vnd.xiph.vorbis":"ogg",
"mp3":"mpeg", "mp":"mpeg", "mp2":"mpeg", "mpc":"mpeg", "mps":"mpeg",
"aac+":"aac", "aacp":"aac",
"realaudio":"x-pn-realaudio", "real":"x-pn-realaudio", "ra":"x-pn-realaudio", "ram":"x-pn-realaudio", "rm":"x-pn-realaudio",
# yes, we do video
"flv":"video/flv", "mp4":"video/mp4",
#map.update(action.listfmt_t) # list type formats (.m3u .pls and .xspf)
if map.get(s):
s = map[s]
# add prefix:
if s.find("/") < 1:
s = "audio/" + s
return s