PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Move PHP 4.1-5.0 code out into separate include ext/php50.php.
mario authored 3369 days ago last checkin 4d4222f05
📂 doc Add ellipse … paramized call support and ->is handler.‹› 3747 days ago
📂 ext upgradephp-15‹› 5148 days ago
📄 upgrade.php Move PHP 4.1-5.0 code out into separate include ext/php50.php.‹› 3369 days ago


upgrade.php is a PHP version compatibility library.

  • Which makes it an easy solution for using newer features on older PHP installations.
  • Most functions are combined into an all-in-one library.
  • Emulations for some PHP extensions come as separate scripts.

This is the bugtracker / version control site for upgradephp.

The current project homepage is located at



json_encode("this will always work now");


upgrade.php emulates following functions:

* json_encode · json_decode · preg_filter · lcfirst · array_replace · strptime · error_get_last · preg_last_error · lchown · lchgrp · gzdecode · ob_get_headers · xmlentities · stripos · strripos · str_ireplace · get_headers · headers_list · fprintf · vfprintf · str_split · http_build_query · convert_uuencode · convert_uudecode · scandir · idate · time_nanosleep · strpbrk · php_real_logo_guid · php_egg_logo_guid · php_strip_whitespace · php_check_syntax · get_declared_interfaces · array_combine · array_walk_recursive · substr_compare · spl_classes · class_parents · session_commit · dns_check_record · dns_get_mx · setrawcookie · file_put_contents · file_get_contents · fnmatch · glob · array_key_exists · array_intersect_assoc · array_diff_assoc · html_entity_decode · str_word_count · str_shuffle · get_include_path · set_include_path · restore_include_path · str_rot13 · array_change_key_case · array_fill · array_chunk · md5_file · is_a · fmod · floatval · is_infinite · is_nan · is_finite · var_export · strcoll · diskfreespace · disktotalspace · vprintf · vsprintf · import_request_variables · hypot · log1p · expm1 · sinh · cosh · tanh · asinh · acosh · atanh · array_udiff_uassoc · array_udiff_assoc · array_diff_uassoc · array_udiff · array_uintersect_uassoc · array_uintersect_assoc · array_uintersect · array_intersect_uassoc · mime_content_type · image_type_to_mime_type · image_type_to_extension · exif_imagetype · array_filter · array_map · is_callable · array_search · array_reduce · is_scalar · localeconv · call_user_func_array · call_user_method_array · array_sum · constant · is_null · pathinfo · escapeshellarg · is_uploaded_file · move_uploaded_file · strncasecmp · wordwrap · php_uname · php_sapi_name


  • gettext.php adds _() and various gettext() features. This extension is commonly used for localizing applications. Unlike other methods this is extremely easy to apply in source code.
  • ftp.php reimplements FTP access using plain PHP socket functions.
  • ctype.php provides a set of character classification functions.
  • mime.php has MIME magic filetype detection functions. It's incomplete however.
  • pdo.php is an emulatoion of the PDO database abstraction layer for PHP 4.x and PHP 5.0.
  • pspell.php uses the commandline aspell utility to emulate the pspell_*() type of functions for checking for natural language spelling errors.
  • bcmath.php for arbitrary precision math functions.
  • php40array.php archives the more seldomly used array functions. This has been extracted from the main script, to keep it lean.
  • The historic php40.php provides some functions for PHP 4.0 compatibility. Alltough nobody probably still has such old PHP versions running.


Distributed alongside upgrade.php are a few function collections, which aren't really standard PHP. The author just has been too lazy to instantiat individual project hosting sites.

  • http_query.class.php provides HttpRequest funtionality. It is partly compatible to PEAR::HTTPRequest, but mainly in place to later have an emulation for the PHP/PECL http extension and http_* functions.
  • input.php is a highly recommended security feature. It wraps the input arrays $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER into an object-oriented access layer. This OO access wrapper only allows access to submitted form data and HTTP variables through filter features. In essence this enforces input validation, because raw access is prevented (or at least can be logged).


  • Unless noted otherwise, all scripts are **Public domain**.
  • The PDO extension for example, is not.